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Smallville Universe

(DCEU Clark landed in what appeared to be a barn, it was somewhat familiar to the place he grew up yet different at the same time)

(He heard someone coming up the stairs to the loft)

"Smallville! You up here?"

(Clark froze as the young woman stopped in her tracks and stared at him)

Smallville Lois: "'re definitely not Smallville."

DCEU Clark: "I'm sorry I don't understand. Smallville's where I grew up but..who were you talking to?"

Lois: "Oh just Clark Kent. The guy lives here with me. Not like together! We're definitely not together! His folks own the place but they're out of town for the weekend."

(Clark stared, stunned by everything he was hearing)

Clark: "Did you say Clark Kent?"

Lois: "Uh..yeah. Might wanna get your hearing checked there big guy. So who are you anyway? And why are you hanging out in Clark's loft? You a friend of his or something?"

Clark: "..something like that..what did you say your name was?"

Lois: "Oh Pfft! Sorry totally forgot to introduce myself. Name's Lois. Lois Lane."

(She held out her hand in greeting but Clark's eyebrows rose in utter bewilderment)

Clark: "...huh."

Clois: Destiny Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя