Chapter 16: Gifts

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December 20th

Courtney's POV

Today was the last day of school until we were off for winter break. Which honestly I was ready for.

With all of the long time consuming projects, I was ready for this. Though knowing my classes, I'm sure that I'm going to get some sort of assignment over the break. I'm sure of it.

I got changed into my uniform and headed down stairs. I sat down and poured myself a glass of orange juice.

Now that I think about it, the break means I'll have to wait till the start of next year to see Scott.

I mean, I would invite him over, but last time he was over here with my mom being present, I choked on my water, so maybe It's best if i don't.

I could call him. But, I don't know. I'm sure I'll come to a conclusion. After eating breakfast, my mom drove me to school.

I headed in and opened my locker. I picked up my text book and shut my locker. When I shut the door to my locker, I noticed Duncan leaning on the locker next to mine.

"Hey Princess." He greeted.

It startled me and I ended up dropping my stuff.

"Ugh! Duncan. Look what you made me do." I stomped.

I then kneeled down and started picking up my stuff.

"Oh. Whoops. My bad." He shrugged carelessly.

"What do you want anyway?" I asked, clearly annoyed by his presence.

"Sheesh. Someone's in a bad mood."

"I am not!" I glared.

"Really? You're not. Then again, we are going on break soon and you probably don't have any better to do with your life."

"Excuse me? I have a life. I don't just go to school. I mean, yes it's very important to me but I do other stuff."

"Really? Like what?"

"Um... I-"

"Do you even have any friends here?"

"Yes! I do."

"Really? Name one."


"Of course you two are friends. You're practically the same people." He rolled his eyes.

"We are not. Are you going to ask something important or continue to pester me?" I glared.

"Eh, I don't know."

"You know what? Clearly you don't have anything better to do."

"I have plenty of better things to do then to talk to you, Princess."

"Really? I beg to differ." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah I do."

"You clearly don't since your still here."

"Is this one of your mind games to trick me into going away?"

"Oh. Look at that. You do have a brain in there." I poked his head." I had my doubts." I smirked and walked away.


I got to my homeroom, placed my stuff down, and took a seat. I looked up and saw Scott walking in.

I felt my insides filling up with joy. Could he be the one?

I watched his hair lightly bounce on his head. He adjusted his backpack and looked at me and gave a grin.

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