Chapter 3: A failed assignment pt.1

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Courtney's POV

It was about 5:57 in the morning. I just finished washing my hair and I was brushing it out.

I picked up a red headband and neatly put it on. After that, I put on my uniform. After I neatly finished tieing my tie, I left out of my room and headed downstairs.

I poured myself a glass of orange juice, got a straw, and sat down.

"Morning mom." I grinned.

"Morning Courtney. Your breakfast is almost ready. Speaking of ready, are you ready for your today?"

"I guess." I said calmly, sipping my juice.

"You seem.... off. Something bothering you?"


"Is it about that rough 7th period thing?"

"Yeah. I'm just, not in the mood. Remember that guy with the mohawk from last year that I had a group project with? He's just getting on my nerves. He's lucky I can't do anything to him on school grounds." I crossed my arms.

"Well, maybe today will be better." My mom told me, putting a plate of waffles in front of me.

"Yeah. I'm not going to think too hard about it. I have classes to deal with."

"That's the spirit."

After I finished my waffles, my mom drove me to school. I waved goodbye and headed inside.

I headed to my advisory to see Duncan sitting in my seat next to some girl with poorly moisturized skin and hair.

Seriously? Again? They were in the middle of some sort of conversation.

"Eh, erm." I coughed catching both him and his friend's attention.

"Oh. Hey Princess."

"Stop calling me that." I crossed my arms.

"Mm... sure."


"Yeah. So what did you want to talk to me about Princess?" He asked, putting a stupid smirk on his face.

"You just said you'd stop."

"You never said for how long." He grinned as his friend let out a small chuckle.

"Ugh! Whatever. Can I have my seat back?"

"Um. It's advisory, we don't have assign seats." His friend stepped in.

"Yes, but I sat here yesterday."

"And I'm sitting here today." She shrugged carelessly.

"Ugh! You set this up on purpose you ogre." I pointed at Duncan.

"Pfft. What. No I didn't. Me and Gwen just like it back here." He said.

"Are you that full of yourself?" Duncan's friend, who I assume is Gwen, raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not! It's just that he happens to sit in the seat that I particularly sat in. As if that was on accendent."

"Yeah. Sure" the goth rolled her eyes." Well, you're not getting 'your seat' back, so you might as well sit somewhere else."


"She's right. We're not budging." Duncan smirked, leaned back in his chair.

"Grr....UGH!" I stomped and then walked off.

"Sheesh. What a drama queen. But as I was saying Duncan, there's this concert coming up and-" Gwen continued to talk to him.

I sat down closer to the front of the room. I pulled out my book from yesterday and continued to annotate it.

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