Chapter 7: Is this a date?

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Courtney's POV

My mom is still suspicious about me and my 'werid behavior'. She'll probably be more suspicious today.

Why? Well.....

Yesterday's class in 7th period

"And remember guys, I'll be giving you a test as soon as you walk in on Monday. So either be prepared. Or be prepared to fail." Mr. Riggs told us.

I guess the test won't be too bad. I mean, it's only plants and their structures. Shouldn't be too bad.

Then again, that's what I said about soil and we saw how well that turned out. Scott did say he'd help....

And we are friends. I looked at him focusing on his notes. I felt my stomach tieing in knots.

Okay. You can do this Courtney. Just ask him if he can help you. It isn't that hard. I mean, come on. He's a friend. He likes you.

"Hey. Scott. Are you free this weekend?" I asked.

"Yeah. What for?" He asked with a sneaky grin.

"Um. Well. I-I was wondering if maybe you could meet up with me this weekend to review notes together.... if you're not busy."

"Sure thing. When do you want to meet up?"

"Um... I haven't decided yet..."

"Okay." Scott pulled out a piece of paper and wrote something on it." Here, text me the place and time and I'll be there. K?" He winked.

"Yeah. Cool." I took the paper.

Present Day

I forgot I have his number. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. It was 8:25 in the morning.

I decided I would start thinking about the place and time to meet up.

Scott's POV

I was at my house, doing my chores. My sister, Albertha did the dishes yesterday morning so it was my turn.

After I finished cleaning the last dish, I left them. My mom likes to organize the dishes after they're clean, so we only have to clean them.

I heard my phone's notification sound go off. I dried my hands and picked up my phone. I got a text from an unfamiliar number.

'Hey Scott. It's me. Courtney. Um... we can meet up around 10 at the park near our school.'

And. Now. I have her number. Cool. I texted back and happily sighed. I usually have a bunch of chores today but I explained to my mom I had to go study with a friend so my sister is going to have to deal with them.

But in exchanged, I have to deal with all of my sisters chores tomorrow. I went upstairs to go get ready.

Courtney's POV

I got a text back from Scott.

'Cool. See you there ;).'

Oh my gosh. I'm practically going on a date. Okay, it's not like, a 'date' date. I-It's a study date. Totally different thing.

Still... It's just me and him... alone. I don't know why I'm thinking so much about this. We sit together at lunch everyday.

This isn't any different. I mean, except that I'm asking him to come and see me. Though he agreed to this so I guess he doesn't mind.

After I got dressed I packed my purse with a few things I might need. My notes(duh), a pencil or two, my phone, and a notepad.

After that I headed down stairs.

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