Chapter 1

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Radio: Good Morning DC and we're having a beautiful and sunny morning here. Temperatures are expected to around 80 degrees Fahrenheit to 85 degrees. I don't know about you but we wish we were out in the hot sun right now. So we'll play one of good song that will wake up you for the morning, let's hit it with some Phill Collins In the Air tonight.

In this very apartment, the radio was playing away while in a shower room that had fogged up with condensation on the door, but inside was a woman who was just finishing up cleaning herself, as soon as she opened the door, the steam out of the room escaped out in the air of the room. The woman stepped out who had a bathrobe wrapped around her, with nothing on her feet.

She walked over to her bed where her clothes were on her bed ready to put on. She took of the bathrobe and got changed into a long sleeve shirt with an American flag on the right sleeve. She then put on blue jeans that were bootcut, she then put on scarlet red boots on her feet. The red haired woman walked out to her kitchen/dinning room. The woman walked to the firdge and took out what looked to be a fruit box she had made overnight.

The sound of a cat came to her ears, she looked at her knees seeing her pet Siamese cat had her two paws on her knees, digging her claws into her jeans. The woman smiled as she went back to the fridge and took out a satchel of cat food. She walked over to her balcony just at the door where her felines dish was. She teared off the pack and put the contents in her dish and let her cat eat way. She rubbed the back of her head, telling her the cat she's a good girl.

Her phone start to vibrate as she looked back at her countertop where her phone was. She walked back up and saw it was a phone call. She answered it.

Ash: Hello?

???: Eliza. It's Stephanie.

Ash: Hey. What's wrong? Director on your ass again?

She heard a light giggle before it stopped.

Stephanie: No. Get over to the White House. The President wants to see us both.

Ash: What for?

Stephanie: He says it classified. So get over here.

When it was classified Ash knew it must be something very big. Ash wasted no time as she rushed and grabbed her tank jacket, grabbing her fruit pot and her other essential items such as her utility belt and her Army Arenment R501 it had a tanned grip. She locked the door behind her and rushed down the elevator to the car parking lot, getting in her Black Land Rover Evoque. Ash turned on the engine and drove out of the car park heading to the White House through the traffic.












Ash had made it through all the traffic, making parking it on Connecticut avenue. She hopped out of the car, thankfully when she was stuck in the traffic she was able eat her breakfast on her way up. She walked up the Lafayette square seeing people taking photos.

She had was in America before, but in she was in Boston not DC. Even so D.C. was a lovely place, she still kept in touch with her friends back at Rainbow. She remembered when the Bosak sisters had made a full recovery and Ela had returned to Rainbow to continue her normal duties, as Zofia left the team die to family reasons. They asked Ela what had happened, but she replied saying we had a family issues to deal with.

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