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Izuku made his way to his mentor's apartment, not the one above Might Tower, but the one he really lives under his civilian name. All Might had given him a key for emergencies and if he needed time away from his classmates but didn't want to bother his mom.

He walked up the stairs to the third floor of an apartment complex near UA. It wasn't anything grand, just your average complex. But to the not-so-secret fanboy, it was the equivalent of entering Might Tower.

He made it to the entrance of the apartment and knocked on the front door.

"Um...Sensei? Are you home?" Izuku called out.

There was a large bang and the sound of English swearing. Izuku quickly opened the door and ran inside. "All Might, are you alright?!"

The sight he entered was a slightly comical one. All Might was still swearing, but the funny part was that he had a plant upturned on his head along with a bookshelf on top of him. If it was anyone else he would have been beside himself with worry. Seeing how it was All Might, he was trying his hardest not to laugh.

"Ah, N-need some help, sir?" The teen managed to get out.

Toshinori looked up to his successor who was trying not to laugh at his predicament. "Yes, I could use some help..." 

Izuku carefully lifts the self off of All Might, while the man stood up and began to vigorously ruffle his hair to get what dirt granules he could out. Standing the shelf upright the teen looked to his mentor who seemed to be in a frazzled state of mind.

Toshinori sighed as he stopped shaking his hair of dirt and looked at the boy. "To what do I owe the surprise visit young Midoriya? Not that I don't enjoy your company..."

Izuku rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "You hadn't been to school for a few days and you hadn't picked up your phone... I was worried something had happened to you..." He then frantically waved his hands in front of him. "Not that you can't take care of yourself! I mean, you are the Number One Hero and an adult... ah er..." The boy then covered his burning face with his hands. "...I'm just gonna shut up now..."

Normally Toshinori would be busting a gut at that moment, sometimes literally. Which transforms him into a gothic fountain. The man froze for a moment and reached into his pocket to pull out his phone, which was dead. With a groan, All Might rubbed his eyes and replied. "I'm Sorry Midoriya... things have become complicated quickly in the last few days."

To the teen, it seemed like the weight was the world was weighing his mentor down once more. "Is there anything I can help with?"

Toshinori paused in rubbing his own neck to look at his pupil. 'Maybe...' "Actually I could use your help."

The boy's expression lightened up at this. "Really?"

"Yep. It's nothing glamorous like hero-work, but it would be a great help to me if you could lend a hand." Stated the blonde.

Izuku shook his head. "I never wanted to be glamorized anyways. What do you need?" 

"Seeing how I'm still recovering from the USJ incident, I'm having issues getting my guest room in order." He stated.

"Oh? Is it a hero I know?"

"Possibly..." The man snorts. 'If I can get her to admit it that is...' Toshinori shook his head and looked at the kid. "So, still willing to help an old man out?"

Izuku gave an enthusiastic nod. "Of course!" Easily ignores his mentor's self-loathing joke. He easily lifted the shelf. "Just tell me where to put it!"

This was how the rest of the day had gone. Izuku would lift the heavy object and Toshinori would direct him. The once storage room was now a bland but liveable bedroom. Toshinori grabbed a bag of books he had gotten from Nezu and proceeded to set them in the bookshelf and took out a notebook as he began to mumble off the list. 

"Let's see... furniture;  check. First-year textbooks; check. The last thing left to do is a welcome gift and grocery shopping." 

Izuku watched this with sharp eyes. The fact that the textbooks were very familiar seemed to compound the fact that his mentor was once again hiding something. Then again he never told him the answer on his and Kanchan's history. 

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