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They had come back from the future. They had saved it.

Or did they?

Usagi pondered this as she learned what her 'present' now meant.

Superpowers or 'Quirks' were now part of 80% of the population of the world. Heroism is a true occupation. Villains are an everyday thing.

After returning to their respective homes, the Sailor Scouts called for a meeting at Hino Shrine.

Ami finally came up with a theory. "Because we had changed the future so much, it became an Alternate Timeline. Thus changing our present in order to balance out the changes we made in the future." 

"Then we don't have to be Heros?" Rei quietly asked.

The silence was deafening. They all had been forced to save people because at the time there was no one else. Now though...

Usagi straightens her back and looked at them. "I won't force you to continue being Scouts. You can go and live your dreams. I won't hold you back any longer."

Her friends looked at her in awe.

The bun-haired blonde gave a sigh. "Not like I have much going for me other than Hero-work anyhow." She looked back at them. "Think it over. Let me know soon what you decide." She glances at her phone. It read 7:25 pm. The princess sighs. "I have to get home before my mom grounds me again for not telling her what I'm doing."

She then saw herself out and walked home as day turned to night. She then paused in her walkabout halfway to her house. "...Crap. I forgot to tell the girls that my dad was really my stepdad..."

The whole 'Mystery Dad' was new and she hoped he wasn't a villain. "Guess I'll just have to wait and see." 

She suddenly felt something land on her shoulder. Giving a yelp of alarm and made a fighting stance before she realized it was just her cat.

"Luna! Don't scare me like that!" Snapped the secret princess.

She rubbed against her cheek. "Sorry, Usagi. I was just worried about you. You seem to be handling the change better than the others. Especially since..."

The girl's face held a sad expression. "I know... he didn't want to be with me in the first place really. He just wanted the strange dreams to stop. On top of that, he felt the pressure of the future forcing us together. But as soon as we came home... he gave up his place and said he couldn't do it anymore." 

"Usagi..." Luna whispered.

She gave her adviser a watery smile. "I'll get over it. It was just a crush..."

She continued walking to her home and opened the door.

"I'm home!" she called. But all she heard was her mother talking to someone.

"I thought you'd have called sooner. I just can't handle her anymore!" She stated.


"I don't care! I will not have heroing in my home!" She snapped.

Usagi stood still. Fear making her blood run cold.


"How? Of course, she wouldn't tell me! She tells me nothing! Her late-night trips! Her disappearing! Don't get me started on the injuries! What else could she be doing?!"


"I'm kicking her out if you don't come and get her." Her mother said in a cold tone.

Whatever love she had for her mother, died in ten minutes of walking through the front door. Luna looked at the princess with worry.


"Very well, I'll see you in three days."


"She has always taken after you... If she had taken after me more this wouldn't have happened... that was why we divorced."


"Me too... Goodbye." Her mother hung up the phone and turned to find her daughter standing at the front door. Cat on her shoulders with a blank face and tears down her cheeks. Her eyes were cold.

"Usa-!" the blonde interrupted her.

"I'll start packing. You don't have to pay for anything for the rest of my time being here. I'll go elsewhere for food. Have a pleasant evening...mother."  Usagi then passed her mother and went upstairs without another word.

Once the bedroom door was closed, Luna turned to her princess.


The blonde picked up the black cat and sat her gently on her desk chair. "I'm fine Luna. It was going to come to this eventually. I just... didn't expect it so soon."

Picking out a pink duffel, Usagi filled it was her important items and her Scout gadgets. "I'll tell the girls tomorrow. They'll need to know. Also, Luna, what can you do about the command center? Can we move it?"

"Of course! I'll get with Artemis and we'll find a place for it as soon as we get there." replied the cat. 

She then went to her clothes and her manga collection. To her surprise, she found a figure she couldn't remember buying. It was old and worn. It was of some male superhero with what looked to be blonde hair with ...rabbit ears? She snorted and put it with her duffel.

"Luna... do you... do you think we'll get along?" She suddenly asked.

"Who dear?"

She looked out her window and to the moon. "My dad and me. I mean... I don't remember much, but he was warm... tall, and had a deep voice. I think he was a hero? I'm not really sure... I always felt safe. When he left... that feeling did too." Her fists clenched. "Till I became a Scout. Now I don't need to worry about being saved. I'll save myself and others." 

"You should tell him," Luna stated.

Usagi looked at the cat in confusion. "What?"

"Tell him about being Sailor Moon, a princess, everything. I have a feeling he'll understand you more than anyone else." Luna stated.

Usagi looked away from the cat's stare. "I...I'll think about it." She went back to packing. "Luna, make sure to tell the Outter Scouts the change."

"You remember them?!" Yowled Luna.

"Don't make so much noise Luna! Yes, I remember. I've been having dreams about them for a while now." She stated. 

"Very well. The Outters will be notified tomorrow while you meet with the Inners." answered the adviser.

"Thank you, Luna."

"Anything to help, Princess."

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