Broken Promises

109 11 4

Vic's POV

I don't know why I came. I guess I wanted coffee, mainly. I'm tired and I just finished The Green Mile. Maybe it's spelled differently, but I don't care.

"Vic!" Kellin motioned for me to come over after I'd gotten my drink and he spotted me.

I groaned, but complied. "What is it you want?"

"Talk to me." He leaned on the table, staring at me intently.

I quirked an eyebrow. "What about?"

"Well, you sounded sarcastic when asked if you were okay earlier; what's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing," I groaned. "I got a bit drunk last night. I'm otherwise fine." I was, for a second. Before something in my mind snapped and I inhaled sharply.

"Are you okay?" Kellin asked, sitting up straighter.

"Y-Yeah, fine." I smiled, but my mind was racing. The urges always came at times like these. When I couldn't do anything to suppress them but daydream of getting home and doing as they asked, even if I knew I couldn't. I made a promise.

"Bullshit; talk to me, Vic," Kellin pleaded.

"I barely know you."

Kellin pouted. "And I barely know you, but I want to help."

"What is this? A cheesy romance movie? Go away."


"You want to help? Give me a ride to the general store and home. I don't need to 'talk my feelings out'," I hissed.

"Fine, come on." Kellin led me out of the store and to his car, all the while I walked anxiously.

He took me to the general store, as asked, and walked with me inside.

"What do you want to get?" He asked.

"Stuff, you can wait in the car or something." I was more so nervous, depending on what he was like, he might get suspicious if he saw what I was getting. Maybe he wouldn't. I didn't care.

"I'll wait by the door, then."

"I'll be quick." I rushed off into the store in search for my things. It didn't take long to find them, and I picked out a few extra items to normalize the main things I wanted.

"That'll be $10.95," The accountant said.

I handed them my money and threw away the receipt. "Come on, let's get home."

"Where do you live?" Kellin asked when we were in the car again.

"The apartments by the campus."

"What did you get?"

"Food." We stayed in silence for a few minutes, before I found it important I say, "Thanks, by the way—for caring, and taking me to the store and home."

"No problem," Kellin smiled. "I'm happy to help."

He dropped me off at home and I dumped my things out.

I made a promise.

But sometimes you gotta break promises.

Sometimes You Don't Want to Be Okay - KellicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora