Important/Chapter 4

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Okay so obviously I've been on Hiatus for like over a year, and I'm not sure exactly how many people are still keeping up with this story. I have to apologize, however as I don't think I'll be continuing it. I honestly just lost the motivation to continue writing this story. I will post what I have left off on for chapter 4 but I do not think I will continue. As it stands now this story is up for Adoption if anyone wants to. The only thing I require is for someone to notify me if they will adopt my story and to give me credit at the least. I am not sure whether I will regain the motivation to continue this story which leads to the decision of putting it up for adoption. Thank you all for reading my shitty writing and I hope you at least enjoyed it! ______________________________________-One Week Later-

It's Wednesday, one week after Lance called Keith for a ride from Arus.

When Keith got there, he was in shock, he had stood paralyzed at the sight of a cut up and bruised Lance. His eyes red with dried tear tracks on his cheeks and chestnut hair sticking to his forehead with a mangled bike right behind him. Lance had refused to answer most of Keiths questions truthfully, but made Keith swore not to tell anyone.

He had taken Lance to his house, helped him clean his wounds. He had given Lance a ride home, after much persuading he got Lance to leave his bike at Keith's to be fixed. The very next day, Lance looked like his normal self-- literally normal self. Almost all of his bruises seemed to have disappeared. When their friends had asked him what happened he had lied. Told them that him, his siblings, and nieces had played outside. Rachel seemed a bit hesitant but backed him up.

Present time, Keith and everyone sat at the lunch table. Jokes were thrown around as well as ranting on their classes.

"Guys, so there was this one guy the teacher made me sit next to and, like, he would not stop asking me questions during the lesson. He just wouldn't stop and I couldn't focus at all so I told him to shut up, and then, the teacher got mad at ME. Like dude no he's the one whos calling names, not me. But apparently I have a 'reputation'" Lance ranted on as Keith chuckled. Lance glared at the ravenett and Keith just coughed and looked away.

"I mean.. Nevermind ".

"Uh-huh, right," Lance scowled.

"I mean you do? You never shut up so it's pretty reasonable.." Keith said with a raised brow.

Lance gasped and put a hand to his chest, "You hurt me Keef, hurt I say!"

Keith rolled his eyes, "Stop being so dramatic Lance".

"That may be impossible," Pidge stated.

"...I'm hurt guys, I thought you would be on my side"

"Anyways- who has Mr. Scott?" Allura asked.

"Uh, for what class?"

"Writing, English Literature, whatever you call it".

"Oh, no I have Mr. Egan," Lance responded.

"I have Mr. Scott!" Romelle raised her hand to grab Allura's attention.

"Thank god, do you understand what he wants us to write about? I have no idea what to make of the essay".

"Uhh... no. I actually didn't understand our assignment".

"Oh, let me see it. I might understand," Rachel said.

"Actually you should let her, she loves to write you should see her stories-"


"-She wrote multiple romance stories and it's so cheesy and cliché but good" Lance teased. Rachel turned bright red and slammed her head against the table, hard, and groaned.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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