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Colby was a year younger than Sam. He was a wise one but in the wrong tracks. The two didn't know each other until that day. 

Before that chilly night, Colby was playing in the park with other kids his age. He returned with a bruised face and his dark brown hair all disheveled. The boys had pushed him around like a broken toy with a missing battery. But Colby didn't feel anything. He was just confused.

His mother asked him what was wrong, like all caring mothers do. It wasn't the first time Colby returned from the park unlike himself. All he told his mother was that the other boys called him 'weird'.

His mother frowned and slowly, dusted off the dirt and cleaned his face from the tiny streaks of blood. "Are you sure, sweetheart? They called you weird?"

Colby nodded and closed his eyes as his mother rubbed his cheek with a swab. It cooled his otherwise warm skin. "Mummy?"

"Yes?" she asked.

"What does weird mean?"

She took him to his bedroom and tucked him in. "It means you are different, Colby. You are special. Goodnight, Colby."

Colby smiled and closed his eyes as his mother shut the room door. The nightlight danced across his eyes. He couldn't go to sleep. So Colby decided to finish his comic book.

He closed the book laughing, he liked the ending. A stark cold wind blew through the window, chilling the hairs on his neck. It was too cold for him to sleep, so Colby got up and went to the window to close it. 

He saw someone outside by the river that ran beside his house. A little boy about his age, dipping his legs in the river. His tears joining with flow of the river.

Colby loved how blonde the boy's hair was. But felt uneasy watching a boy like him cry.

Colby closed that window alright, but from the outside.