42. Date Night

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Mark 🧡

Mark and I are having our first date night tonight after having the twins. We are going for a nice romantic night on the beach and we can't wait to. We will miss our babies but it'll be nice to have sometime together. Mark's parents are looking after Melody and Myles for us tonight which is nice of them so we can have a little time together. We are getting ready in the bathroom now. I am doing my hair and makeup so I look nice for our date night tonight. I kind it's January but it's still kinda warm on the beach in the evening. We are covering up our legs and putting hoodies on so we will be warm. "Babe, I was thinking tonight maybe we could get a takeaway and eat it on the beach" Mark said. "Yeah sure that's a good idea" I reply. "Let's do it then" he smiles. Soon we were ready to go. "Bye, little darlings. Mommy and daddy will be back soon" I say. "Have so much fun?" Mark's Mom said. We get in the car and call at Chick-fil-a first for some food. We get our favourites then go to the beach. Mark parks the car up and we get out and hold hands as we walk into the beach together. We walk for a few minutes before finding. Somewhere to sit and eat our food from Chick-fil-a. "Hmmm so good" Mark said eating a chicken fillet. "Yep so good" I reply. "Babe, I feel like we are going again" he said. "Well we are young, Markie. We are only in our mid twenties" I reply. "Yeah I know. I mean it feels like it did before we got married and became parents" Mark said. "Awe I know"
I reply. Mark and I chilled on the beach for a while before taking a stroll back to the car. We had a great couple of hours on the beach this evening

Youngjae 💗


I am taking Y/ N out tonight on a date. It's our first date since having Sunwoo but we are going out tonight just the two of us and we can't wait. I've booked us a meal at a nice restaurant but Y/ N doesn't know where it is. She knows we're going out but it's all a surprise for her. Can't wait to go out tonight. Mark and Jinyoung are babysitting Sunwoo tonight. They offered as thru knew we wanted to go out which was very nice of them. Y/ N is getting ready in the bathroom so I walk in. "Hey, baby" I say putting my hands on her hips. "Hey, honey" she said. "I can't wait to take you out tonight" I say. "Yep I can't wait to see where you're taking me" she replies. Mark and Jinyoung are in the lounge with Sunwoo. "Alright we're going. Be good with my son" I say. "Of course we will" Jinyoung said. "Yeah we are the best babysitters" Mark said. "Okay call me if you need anything" I say. Me and Y/ N walk out the door and get in the cab waiting outside for us. We arrive at the restaurant soon. "Surprise. This iswhere we are eating tonight" I said. "Wow! It's great, Youngjae. Thank you. It smells so good too" Y/ N said. We get seated at a table for two and I pull the chair out for Y/ N like a gentleman. "Thank you, my love" she smiles. I smile back. We both look at the menus to see what they have. I've eaten here once before with the guys and it was nice. I just had to take my wife here. When we knew what we wanted we ordered. "This place is lovely" Y/ N said. "I know. I discovered it with the boys" I reply. "Awesome" she smiles. We have drinks and talk amongst us. "I wonder how Mark and Jinyoung are doing. I'm gonna check in with them" I say.  "I'm sure they'll be fine, Youngjae. Just chill and relax" she said. Our food comes soon and we tuck in and enjoy our meal. Y/ N loved our date night. It was a lovely surprise for her. Date night was amazing. We will definitely come back here again on our next date night

Yugyeom 💛

Me and Yugyeom are going out for a couple of hours this afternoon. We are going bowling because why not. It's fun and we want to have some fun after we've been busy being parents for the last few weeks to our baby girl. My mom is looking after Sunhee while we are out. We are on our way to the bowling place now and we are looking forward to having a fun afternoon together. "I miss our gorgeous little princess already" Yugyeom said. "Me too but we'll be home to her in a couple of hours" I reply. "Yeah true but I always want to cuddle her and tell her I love her" he said. I smiled. We arrived at the bowling alley and joined the line to go in. It wasn't too busy actually which is good. We get our shoes on. We made sure we wore socks since we don't know who's been wearing them before us. "Let's go and have some fun" Yugyeom said. "Oh yeah" I reply. He gets it set up and then we start playing after. I was up first. It's been a while since I've been bowling so I might not be too good. My first go, I only knocked one skittle down. "Well done, babe" Yugyeom said. "I did bad" I say. He has his first go after me and did much better. We play one round and Yugyeom wins of course. We play another one and he wins again. I'm not surprised as I was pretty crap today. Haha. Maybe I'll get better if we do it again soon. "That was fun. Eh" Yugyeom said as we were leaving. "Yes it was even though I did crap" I reply. "Awe, baby don't worry. You were good in your own way" he said. "Thanks. You're so sweet, Yugs" I reply. We got in the car and returned home to our beautiful baby girl. We missed Sunhee so much even though we were only out a couple of hours

Jaebeom 💚


Me and Y/ N are going out tonight to the bar for a drink. Just me and her of course. My parents are looking after Hosung and Hajoon for us while we go out and have a couple of hours at the bar. We will not be getting drunk. We will just have a couple of drinks each. We are responsible parents to our boys. Me and Y/ N are leaving in the next few minutes to the bar which isn't far from where we live. Y/ N wanted to make sure we had everything the boys needed while we were out. I told her not to panic and my parents have everything under control. "Mom, dad we are going now. We'll be back in a couple of hours" I say. "You two take as long as you need" mom said. "We will. Bye bye, boys" I say. "Bye" Y/ N said. We get in the car and drive to the bar and arrive soon. I take Y/ N's hand as we walk in. "Here we are" I said. She smiles. Y/ N takes a seat at the bar as I get us drinks. She's looking forward to having alcohol for the first time in months. I get the drinks and goes to where she is. "Thank you, darling" she said. "You're welcome, darling" I smile. Y/ N takes a sip of her wine and says "Ohhhh that's nice. I've forgotten what it tastes like all this time". "Yep you will but you can drink now" I reply. "Yeah but I won't go too mad as I'm still breastfeeding" she said. We sit at the bar and talk mainly about the boys and work. I'll be going back to my day job soon. We both get a second drink later. We also get some dumplings to eat at the bar too as we were a bit peckish. After a couple of hours at the bar we go home as we were missing the boys. Me and Y/ N had a great time at the bar tonight. It was a great date and it was nice to have sometime together

A/ N: do you have a favourite date night?

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