32: Investigating in Seattle

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Abigail walks with Rosalie doesn't a street in Seattle, they've already done their shopping. The bags are in the trunk of the Mercedes. Rose and Abi are making one more lap around the town before heading back to meet Alice and Esme.

"Wait!" Abigail hisses and she sniffs. "Wait here."

Abigail walks ahead as Rosalie looks around to make sure her wolf sister is safe. Abi rounds the corner and bumps into a human eater.

"Oh!" The vampire grunts. "Wat... why do you stink?"

"I don't know, I bathed this morning," Abigail shrubs. "I'm AJ Black."

"Riley Biers," the guy inteodues and shakes Abi's hand.

"The missing guy?" Abigail asks, and Riley 's eyebrows rise. "Your face is in the papers, mister."

"Oh." Riley result didn't know. "Well, it was good meeting you, AJ." He looks at her and runs off.

Abigail approaches Rosalie. "Found a vampire, crimson eyes."

"Did you get a name?" Rosalie asks as they go to their meeting spot.

"Riley," Abigail replies. "Let's go back, so I can help decorate and go home like my dad said." She sighs. "Can I use your phone? I'm gonna try staying at Emily's."

Rosalie nods and hands Abigail her cellphone. Abi dials her dad's number and when Billy gives his approval, Abigail calls her alpha. She even gets his approval.

Alice is driving the girls insane! She's throwing demands at them left and right, trying to make the house perfect for the upcoming party. Abigail has had to phase and run to keep from snapping several times because Jasper is hunting with Travis.

Rosalie, though, has snapped a few times but it didn't take the wrath of Godzilla Alice down at all, not even a notch. When Alice gets into this mode, into designer or party planning mode, she's crazy and it scares Abigail.

Carlisle and Esme are trying their best to obey every order but Carlisle ended up being called into the hospital for an emergency surgery, leaving Rosalie and Abigail alone with the crazy, vampire party planner. And Emmett.

"Alice!" Emmett groans in complaint. "C'mon! I need to hunt!"

"You can hunt when Travis and Jasper return," Alice demands, still in party planner mode. "I need the muscle."

"You have muscle!" Emmett argues, throwing his arms around dramatically to make his points. "You have two other vampires and a wolf!"

"Emmett McCarty Cullen!" Alice exclaims, making Emmett's eyes widen. "You wait until our brothers return, or at least Edward."

"Edward is with Bella, again," Abigail says as she comes in, she went for another patrol around the perimeter.

"How does it look out there?" Alice asks her calmly, curious and Emmett gets back to what he was designated to - making CD's the people will dance to.

"Clear," Abigail says as she lugs a huge speaker in without any trouble. "No vampire activity around here but Jasper and Travis."

"Good, good," Alice replies and she looks around. "Go on home, Abi. I don't want your dad to lose his trust in us again."

Abigail sighs in relief and giggles as Emmett throws a tantrum, Alice scolds him as Abigail goes outside. Jasper returns and tosses her the Porsche keys, he's been allowing her to drive it around since there has been vampire drama, he doesn't want her running freely until it's all over.

Abigail parks behind Jared's pick up and heads inside. Paul and Jared are talking pack things with Billy.

"Hey, little one," Billy greets her.

"Hey, dad," Abigail greets and she kisses his cheek.

"Hey, where's my sugar?" Jared asks with a phony scoff.

Abigail smirks and delivers a sloppy smooch to Jared's cheek. The guy groans in dusgust and uses his brown T-shirt to wipe off the saliva. Paul is laughing as he high-fives Abigail.

"Hey, guys," Jacob greets as he enters.

"Was it your face Bella hurt her hand on?" Abi asks and Jake nods. "Good."

Jacob rolls his eyes and goes to bed. Abigail settles on the couch as Jared helps Billy to bed. Paul starts talking to Abigail about everything under the moon and Jared soon joins in on the conversation. Abigail adores her pack brothers, and she's missed them.

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