I stepped in and protected him with my sword

Me and the bandits sword collided

"You ok?" I asked looking back at him and he slowly nodded

I then stabbed the guy in front of me and then one of them shouted "there to strong! Let's just get out of here!"

Then they ran away with there tails behind there legs

Soon the villagers came out of there houses

They then surrounded us and thanked us

Some saying 'Thank you for saving us ' and others saying 'Your my heroes'

None of us knew what to say back so we just stood there taking the praise

Then someone in the crowd shouted "it's princess yaoyorozu!!"

Soon everyone moved aside letting the princess come forward to us

She walked up to us and soon as she did, kiminari and jiro bowed there heads

"There's no need for that you 2. You can stand" she said to them

I noticed she wore a beautiful red dress and high heels to match. Her hair was tide up in a high ponytail

"Prince shoto. It's been awhile how have you been?" She asked him

"Fine." Was all he said

But from what I've see todoroki is more the silent type unlike katsuki

She sighed at him probably hoping he would make more of a conversation with her then she spoke again " thank you very much for saving us" she bowed then raised her head again "so as to say my thanks I've disided you may stay in my palace for the night. Also I want to have a dance as thanks as well. Everyone's invited. It'll be 5pm to midnight"

She then walked of and turned around "come on I'll show you to your rooms"

*time skip to the dance *

I sat on one of the chairs as I watched everyone around me socialise

I looked around to see if any of my friends where here yet and so far... nope

I gave a sigh as I looked at my black and blue dress that yaoyorozu's maids made me wear

Then I heard "oh look it's y/n. Hi y/n!!"

I popped my head up to see uraraka waving at me with jiro by her side

They then walked up to me

"Hi uraraka jiro"

"Hello" jiro said she seemed a little embarrassed about wearing a dress though

"Wow. Y/n your really pretty in that dress. I'm honestly surprised to see you in one" uraraka said grabbing my attention

"Yeah. Well... I wouldn't be if it wasn't for yaoyorozu's maids. There really scary"

The 2 let out a giggle then I spoke again "Hey. Where's the boys?"

Hunter (todoroki, Bakugo, Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now