"Um y/n. Bakugo is the one who suggested you as a way to find them so do you have any ideas" todoroki asked glancing over his shoulder to look at me

"Hmm... sorry no. The only reason he suggested me is cause of my sent of smell and I have no idea what they smell like so......" then I rembered something "Ah! That's right!"

"What is it y/n?" Midoriya asked

"I know someone that can get information quickly. They might know where they are"

"We can all ways give it a shot" todoroki said and we headed of

(Katsuki p.o.v)

As I was flying on my dragon in the sky I kept looking down

At well

Y/n... and that fucking half'n'half bastard!!

I could have asked her to come on my dragon with me

She probably would of said yes considering how touchy feely we where when we were little

But she had her arms around him instead of me!

I started growling from all the jealousy I was feeling in my stomach

"Bakubro you ok?! You sound like a demon"

"Shut up!!" I shouted back at my dragon

"Is it that y/n girl? You where childhood friends right?"

"Yeah we are. But it's not about her!!" I lied

"You sure? If it's not that then what is it about?"

"Agh just shut the fuck up you stupid dragon"

"Come on! Now you've got me curious. So what is it about?!"

I growled in annoyance but soon gave up and told him

"Fine. I'll tell you but don't tell anyone or I'll fucking kill you"


"It is about her. I have a crush on her and it's kind of... gotten bigger since I last saw her" I told him as I felt a hint of pink in my cheeks

"For real? I didn't think you felt that emotion"

"Shut the fuck up! I shouldn't of told you!"

He smiled then concentrated on his flying

(Y/n p.o.v )

We kept walking through the forest on our horses until it got dark and we disided to sleep out side

"Sorry. I thought we could get there in 1 day" I apologised

"It's fine it's not your fault y/n" uraraka said, " anyway I'm going to sleep now night!"

She then lied down and pulled the blanket over her self

Hunter (todoroki, Bakugo, Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now