As for you, your face exploded into a violent red when you heard the perverted comment about your ass. Saying that you wanted to murder him was an understatement, but sadly the problem was already over and it wouldn't be very hero-like to kill one of your classmates, so you just sighed and got back to changing.

Once you were finished you went to grab your backpack and shoes before heading out of the building with Shoto.

You guys started your usually commute. Shoto was quiet today. Well he was always pretty quiet, but definitely more then usual. He was barely even responding to your usual chatty self.

You didn't want to bother him with it since it would probably make it worst, but as you neared your apartment, you couldn't help but at least ask.

"Is something wrong. You seem eerily silent today." You pointed out. He looked at you as if he wanted to say something.

"Do... you remember what I had told you before we left on our internships?" He asked you.

You tried to jog your memory from something that seemed so long ago despite it being no longer than a week.

"Oh!" You shouted in sudden in realization. "You told me that I'm your best friend~" You cooed like you were a genius.

Todoroki sighed and shook his head in disappointment. "No. You asked me about my father and I told you that I'd tell you about it." Luckily, the tension seemed to ease. You remembered that he had said that when he reminded you and now you were curious.

"Ohhh....... yeah, if that's still fine with you. I don't want to pressure you or anything. I could tell that it's not a comfortable subject for you." Yes, you wanted to know, but you didn't want to push him into a situation he didn't want to be in. That's not being a good friend.

"No it's fine. I think it's better if you know anyway." He said, it looked like he was about to continue, but you saw that he was looking around in paranoia. The sidewalk wasn't crowded but there was a few people walking by here and there. He probably didn't want people to hear such a private thing.

"You could join me for a cup of tea in my apartment and talk about it there." You smiles softly at him, being patient with him. He nodded with thankful eyes.

You guys made you way into the small place. Once you got in you took off your shoes and stepped into the kitchen. Shoto followed your actions, but stopped at the doorstep. He looked pretty confused.

He looked around at you and then to the floor where he was standing, looking for something.

Just then it caught on to you. "Oh, I don't have house slippers, you could just take your shoes off." You giggles.

"Is that what they do in your country?" He questioned.

"Yeah, sometimes they don't even take their shoes off if it's guests." You stated.

"But.... won't that get the floors dirty?" He seemed pretty curious by the custom.

"A little, but that's why we clean them." You laughed. He must've decided not to comment anymore as he took off his shoes and sat them next to yours.

He walked in and looked around. You weren't sure what his reaction would be. After all, he was rich and and owned a nice house, but if he didn't like it, he didn't show it.

"You could sit on the couch. Do you have a preference on tea!" You shouted out to him. He replied with a no so you decided to stick with green tea.

After a few minutes the water started boiling and you poured to cups of the tea before bringing them to Shoto.

You sat across from him. He looked tense in the unfamiliar place, like he didn't know where to put himself or how to act.

"You're place is very nice." He stated. You didn't know what so 'nice' about. It was a cheap apartment that your middle class family can afford. You also haven't unpacked much or decorated due to your procrastination habits. But you thanked him anyway.

"Sooooooo......... what did you want to talk about?" You asked.

"Right...... well I don't have a good relationship with my father." He started.

"I assumed that." You interrupted.

"Yes. I suppose you did." He rolled his eyes at you and lightly snickered. You were just glad that he wasn't angry or scary looking like he was when these subjects are mentioned.

"Anyway. Have-have you ever heard of quirk marriages?" He asked and you nodded

Things from there got a bit more tense as he began telling you his story about his childhood, his mother, and how he got his scar, even his fight with Midoriya at the Sports Festival.

You didn't dare to speak, listening to every little detail that he talked of. You both forgot about the tea that had gone cold by the time he finished.

After his rant, you weren't sure what to say, so you settled with your usual blunt response.

"I see now why you have a scary face every time your father is mentioned." He chuckled at that, the cloud of uncomfortableness dissipating.

"Yes. Thank you for hearing me (Y/n). You really are... a good friend. Even if that sounds cheesy." He said.

"Of course thank you for trusting me with that." You smiled warmly at him.

After that you guys chit chatted a while longer, but Shoto got a call from his older sister, asking him to go home.

You guys said your goodbyes and he left. You thought about what he had told you.

It all made sense now. His cold personality, him not using his left side, getting mad at his fathers mention, but you could tell that he was starting to warm up to people and his past. You couldn't imagine how hard it was to tell you this, so that had to be something, right?

The conversation you had with Midoriya awhile back also made sense. When he asked you if Shoto had told you about his past.

Even so, it's still crazy to wrap your head around the awful past your best friend had to live through.

(A/N): It's been over two weeks, but I'm here now. Things have been pretty crazy with the corona virus, but I hope you guys are all safe.

On a separate note, I was wondering if you guys would like me to do a Q&A. It could be about the story or about my personal life. Leave your questions below and if I get enough, I'll do one. Anyway, thanks for reading!

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