Chapter 11 - Little Kitty on the Roof

Start from the beginning

Wayzz, Nino's kwami, left his pocket and had a somewhat annoyed face.

"I know what you're thinking Nino, and I don't agree." he said.

"Then what am I thinking?" asked him.

"You want me to try to feel the aura of Chat Noirs' kwami and see if Adrien is Chat Noir or not." he declared.

"Wait a second, you can do that? Awsome!" Nino said exited.

"Yes, I can do that, it's one of my passive powers. I can feel the aura of other kwamis in case they need help, but that is not the point! You shouldn't try to know Chat Noir's identity!" exploded the turtle kwami.

Steps could be heard outside of the room, meaning Adrien was coming back to his room to resume the games marathon. However, Wayzz stayed motionless. He haven't figured out yet that Nino's plan was to make Adrien see Wayzz and check his reaction, and he of course forgot that Nino should though that Adrien doesn't know that Nino is Carapace.

The bedroom's door opened and, behind it, Adrien showed up. He looked directly to Wayzz, but he didn't care at all his presence. He was already used to see him around Master Fu when he pretended to be his Chinese teacher. That was the proof Nino needed. Adrien's indifference to the kwami revealed that he was Chat Noir.

"So... where is yours?" asked Nino.

Adrien lifted an eyebrow without understanding what Nino was trying to say. He pointed at Wayzz that was floating near his head, realizing too late what were Nino's ideas.

Adrien figured it out too late as well, and tried to fake a surprised expression and using an exaggerated amount of interjections, but after a while, he saw no option but to confess."

"So, just to be clear, you are Chat Noir?" asked Nino.

"Yes, and why are you asking so many times? Didn't you figure it out by yourself?" counter-asked Adrien.

"Well, yeah but I want to hear you say it." mocked him.

Adrien made a sick expression, trying to pretend to be mad but, in fact, he was feeling relief. Less one thing he had to hide from anyone. Plagg eventually showed up and joined the conversation that was now mainly about how Adrien got his miraculous. Nino didn't need anymore information.

"See you tomorrow Nino!" said Adrien when Nino was leaving the mansion.

"See you tomorrow Adrien!" said Nino back.

As he left the front gate, he took his phone and texted Alya asking her to meet him in the top of the Eiffel Tower.


Alya didn't get immediately that "top of Eiffel Tower" meant the actual top of the tower, a place only someone with superpowers could reach. She quickly transformed into Rena Rouge and glided to the very top of the tower where Carapace was already waiting, checking his shield and trying to get in contact with Alya.

"Hey handsome boy, what are you doing alone in a place like this?" asked Rena in a provocative tone.

"Hi there girl. Just waiting for a nice company to arrive." he answered in the same tone.

"So, did you get the information?" asked Alya, almost dying of curiosity.

"Sure thing he did." and so, Nino started telling the story to her.

It took a while, but the conversation Nino and Adrien has was, somewhat, reconstituted to Alya. But of course Alya wasn't happy with the answers she got. She wanted ten times more.

"So, there is a Guardian that keeps the miraculous safe until Ladybug and Chat Noir needs them?" asked Alya.

"There was. To protect our identities, the Guardian sacrificed his memory and gave the Miraculous Box to Ladybug that is now the new Guardian." explained Nino.

"Wait, what do you mean with 'out identities'? Did he know who we are too?" questioned her.

"I guess. Adrien didn't really explained that part. He could be talking only about him and Marinette." answered him.

"Then why do we have the Miraculous now? Shouldn't be only Ladybug and Chat Noir?" asked once more her.

And so on, and so on.

Alya and Nino now knew the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir, which made everything so much easier. The plan they had to put Marinette and Adrien was now a lot simpler. They just had to reveal to each other. But how?

The two love birds debated the matter for more time than you might want to believe. Let's just say that, if they haven't agreed to have dinner in Alya's place with her parents, they would have slept there.

They barely knew that our two heroes wouldn't need their help to find happiness.

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