Blast From The Past

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*5 months Still engaged*
Trunks: Remember when you first Confessed.
Goten: Yah so young.
Trunks: I remember I was coming to confess.
Goten: Really
Trunks: Or when I beat that kid up because he knocked you cold...
Goten: Yah and Thank you
Trunks: Most importantly our first time doing it.
Goten: I'll always remember that night.
Trunks: So young. Come to think of it. All important things have happened with You. Like my good luck
Goten : Same Here. When I got accepted to University Of West City.
Goten: Your father has been So accepting for me. He always has.
Trunks: Yah after he sacrificed he got polite.
Goten: I noticed that it was surprising. A prince with his pride would do that.
Trunks: He does have an Ego
Goten: Like my mom has an ego but your father's is off the charts.
Trunks: Yah he doesn't like to admit it.
Goten: I can't wait till we get married. ❤️ You are amazing in all different ways.

GotenxTrunks: The Loving Couple (Series 1/4)Where stories live. Discover now