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We lost. It makes no sense, I was positive that we were ready to take them on, so how did we lose? I felt the hot tears pour down my face as we lined up. The last thing I saw before exiting the court with my team was the smug look on Akari's face. When we exited the main gym area, I saw my brother running towards me. Before I knew it, I was tackled into  a hug and we both fell backwards.

"Tooru what on earth are you doing?" I said between laughs.

"Hugging my sister because she did an amazing job and deserves all the hugs in the world." The words came out of his mouth in one long and fast breath as he struggled to get up.

Once the two of us were up, I turned to the team. "We did great today ladies, no matter who won or lost, we played well." A weak smile formed on my face as I heard the sobs of the team grow slightly louder. "Now, let's get ready for that awards ceremony."

Once the two teams were lined up, everyone received either their silver or golden medal, and a congratulatory speech was presented to both teams. After the medals were handed out, the entire gym got extremely quiet as everyone was ready to hear the individual awards. The silence was broken however by the mild screech of the microphone.

"Now onto the individual awards." The voice of the announcer cut through the quiet gym. "Normally, we would have given these out yesterday, but seeing as the only people receiving them are here today, we decided to wait. The 4 individual awards are, Best Ace, Best Libero, Best Setter, and Best Captain. First the Best Ace award will be presented to Akari Saito of Shiratorizawa." The announcer took a pause and initiated an applause for the third year. As much as I hated her, she was a good player and there was no denying it. The additional medal was presented to Akari and the awards went on.

"Next, the Best Libero award which will be presented to Hairuka Keiko of Seijoh." The process repeated and the announcer went right back to speaking.

"Lastly the Best Setter and Best Captain award which will both be presented to Oikawa Y/N of Seijoh." I took the two medals with a stupid looking grin and flashed a thumbs up to brother in the stands.

"Thank you all for joining us, and we congratulate all teams on their effort. Both the female and male teams for both schools are welcome to a celebratory meal in the next building. We wish the advancing teams the best of luck!" The announcer left the podium and the team tackled me and Hairuka shouting congrats for our awards.

"All right girls, let's go eat!" I shouted as me and the team headed next door for the meal the announcer mentioned. Once my team was out the door, I started to follow however, I was stopped by a certain captain in the hallway."

"Can I help you Akari?" My words were like pure venom.

"Don't get all cocky because you got the captain award. Everyone here knows I should've gotten it." She spat almost matter-of-factly.

"Excuse me? I worked hard for that medal, and it was given to the one they thought deserved it, which was me."

"Oh please. We all know you only got it because they were blinded by your name." Akari rolled her eyes and grinned evilly.

"What is that supposed to mean?" The words came out of my mouth sounding almost curious. I mean I definitely was, I had no clue what she was talking about.

"Oikawa. Your brother is an amazing player, so they just gave it to you because since your brother is so good, the figure you must be to, and are completely blinded to the facts." Akari actually had the audacity to laugh after saying that.

"You don't know what your talking about. I earned that award" Tears we're running down my face now. I always had insecurities about being compared to my brother, but this was so much worse. Actually hearing someone say it to me pushed me over edge.

"Whatever you say, Oikawa." Akari said your name almost as if it was an insult before walking away.

Tears fell the the ground. Was she right? Was it really just because of my brother? No. I am a good player and she's just trying to get in my head. Ok, I need to cool down before I head back, I don't want to worry the girls.

I started walking towards the bathrooms to calm myself down a bit, but I was stopped once again. With a tap on my shoulder
'God, what now' the thought ran through my head as I turned around and was faced with the male captain of my rival team.

He looked me dead in the eye before saying the simple sentence I have read so many different times. This scenario has played out so many different times in my head, yet none of them matched anything close to this.

"You should've come to Shiratorizawa." He said these words so calmly, not knowing what is actually happening. My eyes widened and I felt my heart beating 10 times faster.

"Oh wow lucky me." The words left my mouth a bit more harsh than I wanted them to sound, but I meant it. After getting torn up by the female captain, I find out the male captain is my soulmate, what are the odds of that. My thoughts were cut off though when I heard a small chuckle coming from the person in front of me. I looked up at him slightly confused.

"Ya know, all the times I read that, I never thought you were being sarcastic. I thought you were being genuine, but I guess I was wrong." A very small smile formed on his face. "I'm Ushijima Wakatoshi, but you can call me Wakatoshi" His hand was pushed outwards, which you assumed was for you to shake. Most people hug or kiss their soulmate when they first meet, figure this guy would do a handshake. I reached out for his hand.

"Oikawa Y/N. We should head back, our teams will be worried." My voice was quiet, but could you blame me? I just found out my soulmate was my brother/ best friend's sworn enemy, not to mention the caption on the volleyball team from my rival school.

The walk to the building where the meal was being held was quiet, and very, very, awkward. Before entering, I looked up at Ushijima. But before I could speak I was cut off.

"Hey, um I'm not the best at emotions, I don't talk much and I don't find a purpose in most things, but I'm gonna try. You deserve a soulmate who's at least going to to that, so please have patience with me here." Ushijima bowed before me and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"You don't have to do that Wakatoshi. I don't want you to change, your my soulmate for a reason. It is kind of hard for me to take in though, your my brothers rival and the captain of the volleyball team of my rival school, we're supposed to hate each other. Yet here we are, soulmates. Funny isn't it? I guess what I'm saying is, it's a lot to handle, but I'll do my best, so please take good care of me." I said this oddly..calm? I wasn't as startled by the fact he was my soulmate anymore so I suppose I could speak more clearly. I took in a deep breath in and was ready to enter the building before coming to a sudden realization.

"Oh no, my brother."


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