24- Don't Detect That Eye, Please Don't...

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Was all Felix kept crying out as he stayed chained up. It had been hours, he was sure it was close to midnight by now from sitting and waiting.

That's when his ears perked up, when he heard a door open. Watching Suho and a few other men came in.

"Hey kitty cats, we already have a buyer for some of you, so get ready for your new homes in a bit" one of the men laughed.

Felix continued to sob as he looked away, only thinking of Chan to calm him.

I guess... this is what my life was meant to be...
Chan ....
Thank you... for showing me what love is...
I won't forget you.... I love you...


"Hi, yes? I'd like to report a missing hybrid".

Chan paced around his room as he spoke to the police on the other line.

"Wait...? What?... there have been other missing hybrids?!"

"Sir, please calm down. Yes there have been"

"And you all aren't doing anything about it?!"

"Sir we are, we have few leads. We are taking necessary protocol for a case like this"

"No, you aren't! You all aren't doing shit!" Chan yelled before hanging up and throwing his phone in the couch.

It was practically 2 am and he was going crazy looking for Felix. First he called all the shelters, now the police because he couldn't think of anything else.

He got up to walk to his door, trying to think of what could have happened.

He wouldn't have just left...
He must have opened the door... thinking it was me...
But it had be someone he knew...
Someone had taken him... he wouldn't just leave like this...

Chan tried to think things through, that's when a realization hit him.


More hours had gone by as Felix miserably sat in the cage, he couldn't move or think of what else to do. Suho came over to snap him out his thoughts.

"Hey there pretty kitty, you're gonna have a new home soon. Well, probably about a day until they kill you" he laughed bitterly.

Felix turned his attention to Suho, looking at him with tears eyes.

"S-Suho .... why.... why would you do this...? You were so nice...."

"Being nice is how I earn trust from clueless hybrids like you" he mocked.

"I saw you at the park again today, and that's when I knew I just had to get you somehow. Good thing I knew where you lived" he laughed bitterly again as he walked off.

Felix continued to sob, looking around at the other hybrids near him. He spoke up, trying to get their attention.

"H-hey... we should try to get out...."

"Shut up" one of them snapped.


The same one with the green eye looked up to him.

"Unless you wanna die sooner, I suggest you shut up".

Felix quivered a bit.

"W-we can't just sit here... we need to try-"

"Ya, And the last hybrid that did got his tail cut off and bled out in front of us before he died. So I suggest if you want to enjoy your last few hours of life, you stay quiet like the rest of us".

And with that, Felix felt defeated as he curled in his corner, shifting a bit from the discomfort of the metal collar around his neck.

Chan can't find me... because of this stupid collar...

All he could do was wait, wait until it was his turn to be shipped out.....


Felix didn't realize he cried himself to sleep again until he heard the cage shift and the door open, one of the henchmen was taking a hybrid away. Felix just watched in shock as they pulled the hybrid out, putting a black clothed bag over its head as they shoved it forward to the garage door that was open.


He continued to sit and wait, watching each hybrid get taken out one by one. Until it was his turn.

"Come here kitty kitty, let's go" It was Suho this time that came. Felix backed further into the corner of the cage as Suho crept closer.

"Come here, don't make this difficult" he said sternly this time as Felix growled at him.

"Fine, you want it the hard way" Suho said before reaching to grab Felix, only for him to kick Suho in the gut, making him hurl over as he grabbed his abdomen.

Suho looked up with fury in his eyes.

"You little bitch, I was trying to be nice to you!" he grabbed Felix by the neck, squeezing it with one hand as he unhinged the leash from the cage. Now pulling him out with his hand around his neck still.

Once they were both out the cage, Suho shoved him to the ground. He kicked him in the stomach, making Felix meow in pain.

"I was trying to be nice to you since I was the one who found you, but someone is a little ungrateful bitch aren't we?" He said sarcastically before bending down to lift him up.

"Don't touch me!" Felix hissed as he bit down hard on Suho's arm.

"Fuck!" He pulled his arm away as he dropped to his knees, watching how Felix now drew blood from his bite.

Suho looked over to Felix with a death glare.

"You fucking cunt...." he growled as he went over and slapped Felix. Making him cry again in pain.

He moved to sit on his abdomen, grabbing him by the hair to force him to look at him.

"You're gonna listen to me now, and do what the fuck I say or I will cut your ears, your tail, and your fingers off one by one!" He threatened.

Felix was not only in tears but angry as he glared at Suho.

"If you don't get the fuck off of him, I will castrate your sorry ass right here and now!" someone yelled.

Felix's ears perked up, he knew that voice anywhere.


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