Trade For It! (RealLife! CalemXReader) [One Shot]

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This a 'real life/real world' universe of the game. Pokemon games are a thing, but you and Calem are people in the real world who play the games and have the cards. This centers around you having a Pokemon card that Calem wants that you won't trade to him.

This Calem is little more playful than the in-game Calem.


"What about this one, (Y/N)?)" Calem said, following you from behind on your way home from school with yet another legendary card in his hand. "Come on, don't you like it?" He held the holographic card for you to see, trying to get your interest in it.

You've known Calem for roughly a year, meeting him first when you moved into your new neighborhood where the two of you were next-door neighbors. Both falling into the 'nerdy and geeky' category, the two of you got along well. Maybe a bit too well...

Unfortunately, when you fall for a guy you fall hard. And that has led to some... heartbreaking and disappointing times throughout your recent highschool years. Once more, you've fallen in love, and this time it's with Calem.

"Calem, I've already told you," You started, "I like my tag-team cards. Besides, if I gave this one to you, you might beat me for once." You laughed as you began to dig in your pocket for your house keys. One of the things that Calem did that drives you a bit crazy was that he was constantly trying to get you to trade one of your favorite 'tag-team' cards.

"Hey!" Calem said, "You and I are tied!" Calem always gets a little salty when you say things like that. It's true though, if you rounded out the numbers, you two would be tied. Either way, it was fun to joke with him a little bit from time to time. He'd do the same to you, but about other things.

After unlocking the door, the two of you stepped inside. "How come you don't ask to come in anymore?" You asked, stopping him from asking who knows what. "Are you that desperate to get this card from me?"

"You never ask if I can come inside anymore," He says as he begins to dig through his bag. "Anyways..." He began, trailing off at the end. "Even if we're not trading, I thought we could have a battle anyways. Both our parents are going to be home late anyways."

Moving towards the table, Calem set his deck holders down as you went to your room to grab decks of your own. Unknown to you, Calem was quietly trailing behind you... While you were moving junk around on your desk, he was watching you. Who knows what for. But you noticed him and immediately turned around, causing him to quickly scamper off.

After taking a moment to compose yourself because of the fact that Calem had been spying on you. You left your room and returned to the kitchen table where Calem had set up the game mat. Thankfully the awkwardness had faded away and the regular chit-chat returned. Subjects changed quickly, as they always did between the two of you, before you found a topic to settle on.

"Hey," You started, "Your birthday is Saturday, right? What are you guys gonna do?" Calem shrugged his shoulders as he took a prize card for himself. While his family always planned things out quickly, he tended to do things last minute.

"Not really, I think we're just going to stay home..." He trailed off as he looked at the cards on his bench. "Oh! But you should come over though." He attached an energy card to his Pokemon before sitting back a bit, letting you take your turn.

The two of you played a few more rounds, you winning once and Calem winning twice, and went into the living room to watch TV. Sitting together on the couch was a regular thing for you two, but it seems like Calem has been sitting closer to you lately. You couldn't help but think to yourself, 'Maybe he likes me back...'


A couple days later you walked over to Calem's house, with a wrapped present in hand. Well, to be honest, you actually have two presents for him but you left one at home. The present that you have in hand isn't the card he's been 'begging' for, but a card pack he had seen at the store and couldn't get a hold of before they all sold out almost three months ago.

You walked up to the door and knocked, answered by Calem you walked inside. There wasn't a whole lot to do since there wasn't anything planned. It was basically card games and video games, cake and ice cream. Not much more than that, but simple was what he liked.

After finishing dessert, the two of you went outside and looked over the short fence, that probably wasn't up to code but that didn't really matter now. After all, it let you and Calem see a beautiful view of the greenery and lake ahead. While your house was right next his, you didn't get this view, your parents had let trees grow as a fence.

"Hey, (Y/N)." Calem said, looking off to the side. "I'm really glad that you're here. I was actually a bit rough before you came along. I know there's others at school who are into Pokemon too, but I didn't fit in with them somehow." Taking a deep breath, he moved his hand to rest on yours.

You were about to reply, wanting to say how you had felt the same way before you had moved in here, but Calem had more to say. "But, I think now... You mean much more to me than a friend." He turned his head to you, his face was as red as yours. His grip on your hand tightened as he took a step towards you, bringing your faces closer together.

You weren't sure if any of this was real, this was something that could appear in your dreams. If this is a dream, your alarm better not go off anytime soon. His face moved closer to yours, closing his eyes as you closed yours. Even though this wasn't your first kiss, you sensed it may have been Calem's first. Either that or he was too excited and nearly pushed you back a bit.

A few seconds later, the two of you pulled apart. Both of you were too embarrassed to say anything, is that normal for a couple's first kiss? Either way, you two soon found yourselves in a tight hug. Only a moment later Calem whispered in your ear...

"I love you, (Y/N)."

"I love you too, Calem."


The next day you were texting Calem. He had actually texted first, asking if you were doing anything today, to which you replied 'no' to. After asking if you wanted to come over you began to get ready. Before leaving, you grabbed the extra present that you hadn't given to him before.

After letting you into his home, you began to reach for the present on the inside of your jacket. But you stopped when you saw Calem's face. He seemed so happy, but so peaceful. You felt the same way, being with someone that you've fallen so hard for.

"I have another gift for you," You said, "But you need to close your eyes first." He seemed confused, but closed his eyes anyhow. You grabbed one of his hands and pulled it forward, then set the gift in his hand. "You can look now."

Calem slowly opened his eyes, and they lit up when he saw what was in his hands. There it was, the card he's been trying to get for so long. He was quiet for a moment before pulling you into a hug. He was obviously happy. You hugged back before he pulled back to take a closer look at the card.

"I would have given it to you yesterday, but I didn't want you jumping around everywhere in front of your family." You giggled, causing Calem to look at you with a playful glare.

"You'd jump around like that too if you got something you've wanted for close to a year on your birthday." He sent you a playful glare as he sat down on the couch. You smiled and sat down next to him.

"Oh, be quiet." You joked, "I promise you, you're only getting this card as a bonus because I love you." His face turned red, no idea on how to reply to you. You laughed before leaning your head onto his shoulder again. He turned away, face flushed.

"I love you too."

Calem X Reader One Shots (Pokémon XY 3DS)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum