Should've been me

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(Doc x Rook)
(Art is not mine,cannot find the credit)
For some context, if you don't know-
Rook - Julien
Doc - Gustave
Warning- slight angst I guess-?

(Rooks POV)
"! This cannot be happening..." He thought to himself running over twords the downed Doctor, "Gus, come on...stay with me." He was trying his best to stay calm, but he just couldn't. The man he loved was downed right in front of his eyes.

(No one's POV)
It was later on throughout the day when some of the operators were called for an unexpected mission. They were told that a Terrorist group is holding hostages.

The ones who were called to help were the GIGN's, Rook, Doc, Twitch, Montagne, and Lion. Before they left for their mission, Julien was checking to make sure his armour plates were all in check, when Gustave or Doc came over twords him to check up with him.

"Are your plates all set up chéri?" Gustave asked him as he would guess that Julien would be a bit nervous. "Ah, yeah just checkin them, again." Julien said clearly a little nervous. "You have your stems all ready?" Julien asked Gustave as he closed his armour. Gustave nods his head "Oui, all my stems are set up and ready." Gustave said as Montagne came over to them, "Come on you two, were heading out now." Montagne said holding onto his riot shield.

All of the GIGNS are now on their way twords the base the hostage is being kept, once they get there Twitch pulls out her shock drone, sets it down and drones into the building trying to find the hostage.

While Twitch is searching for the hostage Julien puts his armour down. "Found the hostage, top floor." Twitch says as she gets off her drone after putting in a hidden area. As the rest of them grab their armour.

Montagne extends his shield as Julien puts a breaching charge onto the front doorway and breaches the door as Montagne walks through as all the rest fallow behind.

As they're coming up to the room Lion scans with his EE-ONE-D, as his drone detected something behind them that seems to be coming over twords them. "There's something nearby, coming our way, staircase" Lion said as Julien looked over at the stair case. "I'll watch the stairs, you guys make your way into the room" Julien said as Montagne breaches the door the hostage is in.

They clear out the room when Julien walks back into the room. "Nothing really came up from the stairs, only from other rooms." Julien says as Lion does another scan, except there's alot more movements than before. "Well I would get ready to hold a high defense now, there's alot more coming." Lion said as terrorist start swarming in groups.

As each of them were holding different angles, Gustave was hugging and practically leaned against a soft wall. As the soft wall behind him exploded, sending Gustave forward and injured pretty badly, since the explosion was directly behind him. Julien immediately looked over twords the explosion and noticed how Gustave got effected by the impact, as more terrorist floods in throughout the wall that just exploded, including a bomer.

Julien, as he was afraid for Gustave, quickly and panicky shoots the terrorist with his mp5. Gustave was shot multiple times from the terrorist before they got stopped.

It seems that was the last horde of terrorist in the building, so Julien rushes over to downed Doctor.

-The Present-
(Rooks POV)
I was applying pressure onto Gustaves wounds to the best of his abilities, since there was a good bit of them. He noticed Gustave started to look like he's holding back from closing his eyes. stairs into his eyes. "No no no, don't close your eyes stay with us! Your going to be alright... I promise."

As Gustaves eyes close and he is now unconscious. I pick up his limp body as Twitch grabs the hostage and we all hurry out quickly. I kept finding myself looking at Gustaves face, and the more I look the more I kept on thinking how it should've been me instead.

Once we all got back to the base I brought Gustave to the medics we had at our base, once I brought him there I couldn't just leave him, I needed to see him once he's alright.

(No one's POV)
Julien waited to find out and to know how Gustave is doing, he ended up waiting for around one hour, until one of the doctors come out and tells Julien he's allowed to go see Gustave.

Thankfully the room he was in wasn't to far away, but as he was walking he remembered how he caught himself constantly thinking about Gustave, and it wasn't only just because of what happened today, it was a normal thing that happened. He pushed this thought into the back of his mind as he was coming close to Gustaves room.

He walked into the room, and he sees Gustave sleeping, not wanting to wake him he sits down and looks at him still a little worried about him.

(Docs POV)
I woke up to see a bright light, or I thought I woke up. I looked over to Julien as I sat up and surprisingly couldn't much pain when he sits up.
"When are you gonna wake up Gus, I'm waitin'..." Julien said as it caught me by surprise, "what do you mean? I'm right here-" I say as I go to grab his hand, but it just went right through his.

"I should've done a better job at protecting you, it should've just been me." Julien slightly mumbles to himself, "Julien don't say that-" I started as I got taken out of the state I was in, next thing I knew I was opening my eyes to the once again bright light, opening my eyes once again.

"Gustave! Your awake!" Julien said to me with happiness in his voice. "Why, of course I am, why wouldn't I chéri" I said with a light smile onto my face.

(No one's POV)
Julien lightly smiled back over to Gustave, "I would've felt terrible if you hurt anymore than you already are...I could've done so much more to prevent this and-" Julien started to ramble as Gustave just puts his hand onto his trying to calm Julien down.

As Julien froze and stopped rambling. "You couldn't have done anything to help what happened to me, it was all my fault for being unaware of my surroundings" Gustave said with his french accent sounding thicker as he spoken.

Julien lightly chuckled, "Oh, ça ne veut pas dire que je n’aurais pas pu essayer..." (Oh, that doesn't mean I couldn't have tried) Julien said in French, this surprised Gustave.

"Julien, you haven't spoken to me in full on french... In a long time" Gustave said slightly shocked as Julien smiles once again to him, causing Gustave's heart to flutter a bit, as he didn't realize he started staring at Julien.

As some time past, a doctor came in to tell that Gustave is able to go back to his dorm back over at Six in around 1 week. Gustave had a boring week but each day Julien came and visit him each day to keep him company.

Once Gustave was able to go back Julien made sure he was there to walk back with him. As their on their way back the two of them are talking and Gustave couldn't stop himself from just looking at Julien and smiling at how happy he was.

"So Juli, when did you start talking back in French again?" Gustave asked him which slightly caught him off by surprise. "Well, I recently started it again to try to get used to speaking french again" Julien said with a smile that's slowly getting wider each second.

"Eh bien, c’est bien, j’ai raté votre Français moi un peu" (Well that's good, I've missed your French self a bit) Gustave said causing the other French make to slight blush at his words, "Eh bien, Français moi fait son chemin de retour" (Well French me is making its way back) Julien said as they're still walking back twords their dorms back over at Six.

I'm unsure if this could be counted as a ship but either way it is what it is and I spent way to long on this, I don't even know if I can count this to be good but I think it's decent at least

Word count- 1436

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