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"Daddy, why do you hit Mommy?"

He was quiet a long moment, then sighed, looking up from the empty bottle in his hand to the small girl at his side. "Because it's what I'm meant to do when she misbehaves."

"But Mrs. Hearst said that daddies shouldn't hit mommies because it's mean."

"Nina, I think it's about time for bed, don't you?"

"But Daddy, it's hardly seven! Can't I stay up late?"


Nina stopped talking. Daddy was getting angry, and that was never good. She looks down at her feet, then asked, "Can I take your bottle for you?"

Daddy stood up from the chair, towering over her. He raised the bottle high in the air and Nina shifted to shield herself from the imminent blow.

"Grant!" Mommy's voice came from down the hallway, and the two froze.  She spoke again, voice just above a whisper."Grant, not her. Please."

Nina ran to her mother's side.

"Jerika, you know I wasn't really going to hit her." Daddy's voice was getting defensive. It was growing louder by the syllable. But Mommy stayed calm.

"Nina, go to your room and change into PJs, okay? For Mommy?"

Nina slowly nodded her head, walking away down the hallway. As soon as she turned the corner, Daddy's yelling erupted again. Nina flinched as she heard glass shatter on the wooden living room floor. She sat down, back flat against the wall as she listens.

"Grant, you promised you would keep her safe! You said -"

"I've had enough of you and our pesky little daughter, woman! I work all day to bring you food and this is how you repay me!?  I think it's time we get even."

"Grant, what are you-" Mommy's voice cut out with a scream. Nina closed her eyes tight.

Daddy spoke so quietly Nina almost couldn't hear. "Don't worry. You won't feel a thing. Stairs are good for the body."

Mommy called out but fell deathly still after a few sickening thuds and cracks. 

"Nina?" Daddy softly called out, approaching her from down the hallway. "You ready for bed, darling?"

Nina slowly stood and turned around the corner, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Where's Mommy?"

"Mommy will be awake in the morning, dear. Don't worry." Daddy crouched in front of her, smiling, though it didn't carry to his eyes. "Let's get you to bed."

Nina nodded, kissing her father's cheek before hurrying into her room. Mommy would be awake in the morning, she kept telling herself. She always was.

But Mommy did not wake up. Not in the morning. Not ever.

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