Class Representative

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Midoria's pov 

         Today I got to class a little earlier than I usually do, I sat there and staired out the window waiting for class to begin. Other people started to enter the room but I just ignored them and continued starting at the blossom tree that was outside of the window. The bell rang and class started as usual Aizawa-sensei was 5 minutes late. Me being me always noticed how tired I was so I grabbed a reusible cub of coffee out of my bag and walked up to his desk, leaving it there for him. He gratefully took the coffee and I walked back to my desk. " We have something important to do today." Aizawa said. I was wondering what it was when I was brought out of my thoughts. " Today we are picking Class representatives, you have untill lunch to deside." Aizawa stated. All of a sudden all of the students were yelling that they would be a better Class president than the rest. I just sat there not wanting to get the position. " Why don't we have a vote." Iida yelled above the rest. " Would that be ok Aizawa- sensei." Iida finished. " I don't care as long as you don't disturb me." Aizawa stated as he crawled into his sleeping bag and went to sleep. " Ok so each person will either vote for themselves or another person." Iida said as he handed out pieces of paper. Everyone seemed to agree but i didn't really care. We all handed in our papers, I voted for Iida because I really did not want the position. By the time all of the votes were counted I somehow got 6 while Yayorozu got 2. I ended up as class president, I went up to the front of the class when called. I really did not want this position but I went up anyway. Once I got to the front and Yayorozu was up there too I started to speak. " I-I don't really w-want to be the President so I would like to nominate Iida." I said with my usual stutter. " Why don't you want the position." Aizawa asked looking directly at me. " W-well I don't really like to be the center of attention and I think Iida would be better." I said looking down at my feet. " Well ok fair enough Iida will be class President." Aizawa said no emotion what so ever. After all of that was sorted out we had free time then headed to lunch. I sat with Uraraka and Iida we started talking when an alarm went off all of a sudden. 

*The rest is cannon. Time skip brought to you by your lazy Author*

        We all went back to class after lunch. We got back in and the bell rang signaling the begining of class. Aizawa-sensei came in and started talking. " Today we are going on a feild trip with me and two other staff members, We are going to the USJ." Aizawa said as the class got exited. 

* I'm sorry for the short chapter I will hopefully post another one this month. See you in the next chapter my dear Cinnomon rolls.* 542 words

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