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I woke up in my bed. and strangely enough, she wasn't next to me. I got up as quickly as I could and ran downstairs. my mom was sitting on the couch passed out. a bottle of wine tipped on the ground. broken glass on the coffee table.

I sighed. I knew, it was too good to be true. I sat down on the concrete steps outside my home and my face began to heat up. a tear slipped and landed on my chest and left spots on my shirt. I stared into the dark sky hoping to see another shooting star. I wanted to wish to be back with barry. she made me happy.

I got up and started walking. I walked to her house. it was only 8:30 so I walked up to the door and knocked. a tall woman answered. "can I help you? oh, are you mickeys friend? Michael a friend from school is here. honey next time come earlier his bedtime is 10." she said and walked off as a boy who had similar features to barry jogged to the door.

my eyes went wide as his narrowed. "hey-" but he interrupted me. "oh my god dude you're Corey Haim." he exclaimed. "you don't go to my school." he said in realization. "no I don't go to your school and yes I am Corey Haim but if you let me explain." I said motioning for him to follow me.

we sat down on the curb and I started. "so one day after school I was at the park and made a wish on a shooting star. I asked to be taken away. I was put into this like parallel world with your future daughter and I have a feeling it was real because one of my shirts that she was wearing is gone. and you're real. you look just like her and her name is barry." I explained as best I can. he looked shocked but for some reason, he seemed to believe me. we became friends from then on. but I walked home after his mom called him in.

I suddenly had an idea. I jogged up to my room and grabbed a piece of paper. I wrote a letter to her and mentioned her dad and our situation. I told her I loved her and to look for me in her future. I put the note in an envelope and the next day I gave it to mickey and told him to put it in a spot so in the future she would find it and read it.

I still love her and miss her but I need to let her go. so I did. I went to sleep that night knowing id be fine without her and she'd be fine without me. ill see her soon. I hope.

edited: 2020-07-21

Universe -C.H.-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ