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Back in 1986

This is the second time it's happened. The wheel on my bike has been stolen 2 times this week and I can't keep buying them, My backpack was drenched and all the ink on any papers I had faded, My film camera is broken and I don't have a warranty, My dad's car got scratched when I parked in a parking lot and because of the heat, the paint is peeling.

I can't take any more bad luck.

I popped on my headphones and pressed start on my walkman letting whatever song play. and the sound didn't come through one side of the headphones. "oh my god I'm so done with this FUCKING bad luck" I said with frustration.

It started to get dark and I decided to go to the park. I do it all the time so my mom won't be worried. When I got there it was empty. I sat on the slide and just thought. I thought about happy things that made me feel better when this crap was getting me down.

I lost track of time and stayed at the park for hours. I started to walk home. When I looked up I saw a shooting star. The first thing I thought was to make a wish. "please let this come true." I said out loud closing my eyes and I saying the wish in my head. 'take me away. Somewhere where I can do no wrong' I opened my eyes and continued my walk home. I see my house in the distance. As I approach I take my keys out and walk a little carelessly. A car was coming and dropped my keys by accident in the middle of the road and they got run over.

When I pick them up they are chipped in half. I exhaled. "let's hope the door is unlocked." i said trying to calm myself down. I tried the door and thank god It was unlocked. I pushed open the door slowly and dragged my feet to my room.

i got in the shower and remembered i should probably go get knew keys and then i can go to the photography shop. Maybe they'll let me exchange my camera.

I crawled into bed after getting out of the shower and prayed that my wish came true. There are never any shooting starts so maybe this one time my wish will come true. I've always had a gut feeling about shooting stars so hopefully, this is the one time I have good luck

I turned my light off and rolled over, closed my eyes and slowly drifted into a deep slumber.

edited: 2020-07-07

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