Coming home (jeff the killer to daughter)

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Jeff hums while walking to the mansion. Its been 17 years sence he last saw his daughter. He pulled out a picture of her and him. He started crying.

Im coming home.

He just got back from the war between zalgo and slender. He was one of the very few that servived.

Im coming home. Tell the orld im coming home.

He went to the cabin slender sister had had to keep the kids safe. Slemders sister opened the door and all the kids ran out to their parents or for those whos parents were left. It was pouring rain. The only survivors were jeff, EJ, BEN, smiley, splender, and trender.

Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday

Jeff was tackled down by his daughter who was sobbing. Jeff lost a leg.

I know my kingdom waits. And they've forgave my mistakes.

She cried and hugged him tightly crying in his chest. He pet her head.

Im coming home. Im coming home. Tell the world im coming home.

Jeff looked at his daughter and smiled "im back were i belong. I never felt so strong, man. I feel like theres nothing i cant try"

Jeff sat up and said it louder "if you feel me put your hands high!" All the servivers did so.

If you ever lost a light before, this ones for you. And you and dreams are for you.

Everyone walked into the cabin. And started cooking food.

Im coming home. Im coming home. Tell the world im.comming home let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday. I know my kingdom awaits and they have forgaven my mistakes. Im coming home. Im coming home. Tell the world im coming home.

Everyone gathered around the dinninf room table and ate and laughed.

(Sorry this kinda sucked. I felt like diddys parts were unnecessary for this and i feel like this was kinda rushed but i apologize)

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