Chapter 23

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Trey's POV

It's been over a week since the " incident" and Aldina hasn't left her room. She's been down for the past couple days and I ask her what's wrong but she won't  tell me or anyone for that matter. Yesterday I just wanted her to talk to me so badly but it ended with her cry yelling and me holding her and apologizing.

That's how it's been going for a while, her crying, us cuddling, and falling asleep. She sleeps, a whole lot too. I'm just concerned that maybe it'a my fault and after what happened she won't wanna be with me anymore.

Today I'm supposed to go over around lunch time so I figured I'd get her some food and a surprise hoping it'd bring up her spirits a bit and maybe she'll talk to me. I decide to get her carne asada fries since it's her favorite and stop by the store to grab her a bag of chocolate from the store along with her surprise.

I have the driver drop me off at her house but stay parked in the lot with her surprise. I walk up to the door food and candy in hand when I text her that i'm here and she tells me the door is open. Safe, not like you were just kidnapped or anything. I open the door and head up stairs into her room to see her in bed covered in blankets watching netflix on her t.v.

" Hi baby." I say smiling walking up to her bed planting a kiss on her forehead before sitting.

" Hi." She looks at the food and candy I placed in her lap with a small smile. " This for me?" She says looking up at me, looking adorable as always with her hair tied up but a few curls in the front.

" Mmh. But before you eat i've got a surprise for you, then we have to talk ok?"

" But..." She try's to start while looking down.

" No buts. You haven't been yourself lately and it makes me sad so please."

" Well I mean since you're begging."  She says with a small smiling getting out of her bed. She's been doing nothing but resting so she's been healing well and she can walk without her crutches but I still pick her up when she ask. In this case she asked putting her arms up making grabby hands like she's a baby. So I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck while laying her head on shoulder.

I carefully walk down the stairs putting her down to slide on her shoes as she gives me a questionable look confused on why we're going outside. I open the door and we go to the car and I place my hand on the dot handle.

" You do like dogs right?"

" What does that have to do.." I then open the car door revealing a small white puppy, a samoyed to be exact.

" You got me a puppy?!?!" She screams bending in the car picking the puppy up. " Oh my goodness its..." She lifts the puppy up a little further in order to look at his business. "...he's so cute!"

" He's all yours. Now you gotta keep up your end of the deal."

" Uhhh. Ok fine but does he have stuff like a bed and toys, or food, or a name?" We start walking back into her house as she holds him bombarding me with questions.

I put my arms under her knees so I can lift her, my other arm supporting her back. " We have to go and get him stuff I figured you'd want to do that and pick out his name. Maybe you wanted to coordinate his collars with your outfits." I say laughing but she just lightly hits my chest scoffing.

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