Important Announcement

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Emergency Announcement

For those of you who might not know something happened yesterday, something that was totally unexpected and sudden. My uncle Scott unexpectedly passed away yesterday night, I was hanging out with my friend shawn on my front porch and after he had left  I walked into house where I was given the news of his passing.

If you known me long enough some of you might remember him having complications with strokes. These strokes left him disabled and wasn't able to speak well, The last time I saw him was before my birthday and he seemed so happy, he also adored my dog Oliver. My aunt isn't doing good hearing her cry on the phone yesterday was absolutely heart breaking, I had to leave the room because I got upset.

I have not been informed on a cause of death, but I am overwhelmed. From already losing both my gram an pap and now him it's just hard. At the moment I'm okay but I still have that overwhelming feeling inside, but I'll be okay trust me I'll be fine. This news was very sudden and I can't bare to imagine to what's going to happen next.

I thank you all for you support it means a lot to me. I wasn't very close with my uncle Scott but we did have a lot in common.

I'm still very upset over this news and I really just need some prayers and support.

Thank you guys so much now here are some gifs of Sebastian Stan to brighten our sprits.

Peace out ✌🏻........

Peace out ✌🏻

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