Fun Facts About Me

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Hello my lovely minions, Who wants to learn more about me. Well your in for a treat you'll get to learn 15 things about me, let's learn shall we ;).

15 Fun facts about Me

1. I was born in Alaska on an Air Force base in Anchorage, Then when I was around 1ish my family moved back to the Maryland/Virginia area where I still currently live today.

2. I have Mild Autism and ADHD

3. My favorite music is Rock, and my favorite band is sleeping with sirens.

4. Technically I've been to a total of 7 concerts but I don't count that one so I've really been to six. My first concert being Metallica and Avenged Sevenfold.

5. I am a New Year's Eve baby and I was born at the end of a century lol 1999!!!.

6. I've broken 2 bones in my life, my toe than my wrist when I was eighth grade.

7. My favorite movie currently is Captain America the Winter Solider.

8. My Favorite Female Superhero is Wanda Maximoff Aka Scarlett Witch.

9. My favorite male superhero is The Winter Soldier.

10. My inspiration for Samantha B came form my friends and favorite author's, Kellin Quinn fanfic called one day. There was a girl in the book named kris and she had red hair, along with a badass attitude. She also looked out for her friend Taylor a lot like who sam does for holly and her brother. Form that day on struck the idea for my SamanthaB :).

11. My oldest sister is getting married to my favorite singer's Birthday.

12. I don't really have a dream but I love writing and photography as well as working with kids.

13. I used to write songs in middle and high school but phased out of it later on.

14. I'm a Gryffindor 😁 I took the test twice on Potter-more and got Gryffindor both times.

15. I like to sing but I don't think I'm that good, others say I am but I don't like the way I sound on a video 😳😬.....

Alright my lovely minions, here are some gifs of my handsome hubby Kellin Quinn as a Dramatic Exit 😁😂

Peace out...✌🏻


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Meet The Author Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora