Chapter 10

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Louis' date was barely over, at least in Louis' mind it was, or it was already time for the date card for the group date to arrive.

Louis went to get the card to read it, because he knew he wasn't gonna be on it anyway.

To everyones surprise, Zayn's name was on the card as well, who was the most surprised out of all the guys.

Harry was on the card too, although he'd rather have a one on one date, he was happy with it.

Liam wasn't on it, neither was Steven, much to the last one's rage. Especially because Zayn was on that card and he wasn't, while he had a one on one as well the previous week. He was absolutely livid and went to his room to cool down. He was one hot-headed guy for sure.

That left Steven, Liam and Louis; the three of them staying in the house the next day when the others went on their date.

Louis was glad he wouldn't be alone with Steven, now he could just ignore the guy even better and spend some time with Liam.

They knew Liam was gonna go on the second one on one that week, because the other two already had their first dates, so they could maybe speculate a little about what it was gonna be.

They were gonna make the most of it.


"Isn't it harder now?"

Louis looked up when Liam spoke up to him. "What do you mean?"

"'ve already got a date, got to know him a little better, and now you have to sit here and watch all those other guys come back and brag about their dates while you're...just sitting here. It has to be at least a little frustrating."

 "It is," Louis answered honestly, "But, you know...I just think back about that day and it helps a little. It feels like you form a bit of a connection on your one on one date, you'll probably feel the same, and you have to keep thinking about that day, that connection, because I think I would get crazy otherwise."

Liam nodded, "I just keep wondering how it's gonna go. One day, someone isn't gonna come back with a rose."

"You can't know that."

"I have a feeling."

"Well, I have a feeling that person won't be you."

Liam was about to say something, but the sound of the doorbell, signalling the arrival of the date card. Last card of their second week.

"Do you want to get it?" Liam asked.

Louis shook his head, "It's yours anyway, man. And I don't think Steven is gonna lift his lazy bum up to get it."

 Liam smiled and stood up to get the card. His date card. He looked over his shoulder once, "Thanks, Louis."

Louis just answered with a shrug and a small smile. "Anytime. You would have done the same for me."

Liam's answering smile said more than words ever could.


 Harry came back with a rose from the group date. Again. It was kind of scary, because it seemed like Harry had made a onnection with Niall already in just two group dates. Imagine how his one on one would end up...

Or better not think about that at all.

Zayn came back pretty happy as well, even if he didn't get a rose. Louis was glad he looked happy though.

Zayn and Harry joined Louis and Liam, there was just that click between the four of them and Zayn and Harry told them about the day. 

They talked with each other until it became too late and they travelled upstairs to their rooms.

Liam didn't get  a lot of sleep that night. Too nervous about his upcoming date.

It might be only the second week, but, the 'game' had already started.

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