Game on!

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Before we get to our young gamer we see his brother holding his phone sending a text simply saying NWO GAME ON. As we return to Sean as Phatom he was outside of town in the starting forest holding the longsword. " nan it would be nice to duel weild." He said as he looks at a stick and picks it up. "Its a weapon?" He said confused. " anything can be a weapon if used used right. " a womans voice said as he turned his head and looks seeing two people with hoods up. The boy held his longsword and stick in a fighting stance. " ow my heart can't believe our friend forgot we also have this game" the guy said faking pain in his heart. Phantom thought for a moment then lowered his stance. " oh it's -" Phantom got his mouth covered quickly by the girl as she whispers. " shut up if you said our full usernames people will know who we are." The girl said as a veteran player walked passed then in Red. When the girl moved her hand from Phantom. " just call me T and him L." She said pointing to the guy in the similar hood. Phantom nods looking at T. L holds out a similar longsword. " I think this would be better then a stick" Lsaid as Phantom took the longsword and swings both around a bit. A small rabbit like monster appear. The two took a step back. " all yours. It will help you gain the duel weild skill quickly. " T said as Phantom swings one of the longswords striking the monster and saw another a distance away. " alright lets try my agility to reach it quickly." He said as he started to sprint holding the swords. Both T and L narrowed their eyes knowing its all natrual till the looked at his next step his foot showed a slight glow. When he took thst step he vanished and appeared infront of the monster with the second longsword slashing it dead. "Alright i still need to be able to use them effectively " he said. As he saw a small screen saying new skill. " huh." he reads it. " Flash Step. With one step your speed is doubled." Phantom thought about it. " cool sounds like you can keep up with those with super with just a step." T said with a smile. Phantom smiles and looks at the skill again with a smirk. " gotta keep improving." He said and looked at his friends. " guys want to help me beat the ultimate shield?" T and L looked at each other then back and Phantom. " sounds like a fun challenge count us in." T said with a smirk. Phantom also smirks. " alright. Now lets get you atleast level ten then we can hit a dungeon." L said crossing his arms. The three went deeper into the forest after they made there way only making Phantom kill enemies at one point both panicked when he fell and rolled down a cliff side. " ow" phantoms said as he sat up seeing he gained a new skill and checks it out. " feather fall low. Take consecutive fall damage in a 30 seconds or more. You take a quarter less fall damage." He thinks for a moment. " gotta ask bro if this Maple chick has any crazy abilities." He says as L and T got down. " you alright!?!" T asks checking Phantom. " yea got a new passive skill." He said and looks at the fall start he took. " you guys know healing?" They both held a face of concern. " why?" L asked. " gonna try a stupid." Phantom said pointing to the cliff edge. " your gonna take fall damage again!?!" L shouts. Phantom nods. " why!?!" They both asked. " if this Maple chick is as overpowered as i think also means she has an immunity to something so i might as well get an immunity myself." He said. " but a lot more useful one." He said with a smirk. "Ah i see." L said. " fall damage immunity. An assassin's favorite thing for games like these." L said as Phantom made his climb back up and rested for a bit gaining HP as he felt an attack from behind from the small rabbit monster. " shit!" He shouts falling rolling again. As he landed infront of his friends with one HP. T sighs and puts her hand on Phantom. " heal." T said as she heals Phantom as he looks at his skills notcing feather falling went from low to medium as he held a smirk. " hehe." He sat up. " so i can cut down half my fall damage now." He said with a smile. Both T and L sighs at his actions. " out of all of us your plans always somehow run outside the box and change constantly. " L said. " well gotta think outside the box when its a PvP gsme against you two. Same time i think from all the gaming together ang against we adopted the changing plans idea." Phantom said with T nodding in agreement. " well even thou your ten levles lower then we want, but we can risk it. It might help you level up faster too." L said as T looked at L. " are you sure about that?" T asked as L nods. The three players started walking leaving Phantom to kill a monster once in a while on their way as they stopped at a big cave entrance. " you sure about this one?" T asked. " yea this one isn't the Hydra cave. What i already know about this Maple chick from the first event she has a hydra summoning." L said. " but how thou?" Phantom asks. Both L and T shrugs. " you'll probably figure it out." T said not having high hopes. Phantom sighing and walking in with them following. " well if im struggling to much i can bet the Gastly duo will protect me." He said with a smile. " yea yea. Also sis we don't need to hide our names its night in game and real life and this dungeon appears at night." L said as he removed his hood. And so did T showing white hair T has braided ponytails and L had one long braided ponytail. " so Phantom at night and nobody around use our full username same case in a dungeon." L said. " wait then i could of said it when you got to me!" Phantom shouts. " actually no remember the red cute girl?" L said. "... i have the right to not answer that Leon." Phantom said slightly shivering. " oh you have nothing to be afraid of Phantom was she or not cute?" T said. " i um.... not as cute as you Tigress." Phantom said as he closed his eyes, but only met with a hug. " good answer." Tigress said. Phantom stayed silent stiff. Leon laughs " looks like someone still remembers the promise he made to my twin about marriage back then." Leon said. Phantom sighs. " shut up Leon this was a promise before you guys moved." Phantom said as a slike was about to jump. Phantom quickly moved and slashed his sword cutting the slime killing it while Tigress was protectively wrapped around his arm. " someone being protective of my sister already." Leon said making Phantom blush. " shut up!" He shouts. The twins laugh. As he started walking and they followed. They see a large open door. " so um. Boss right?" Phantom asks as the boyh nodded. " i wonder what it is." Phantom said before he walked in he felt a push foward while taking damge and Tigress and Leon pushed back from what looks like a rock monster with the boss door closing. All three paled at the situation. " OH SHIT!" They scream in unison. Leon and Tigress looked at the monster. And saw its level built to their level. " crap this dungeon has a counter measure! We are levels way too high then phantom!" Tigress shouts. " THATS RIGHT WE LET PHANTOM BE PARTY LEADER AND HE DIDN'T LEVEL SYNC US" Leon shouts. Phantom hears all this and facepalms " im such an idiot for making a rookie mistake." He said as he walks farther in the dungeon. Drawing both longswords. Then thought about it and put one on his back. " alright time to face my own screw up." He held his weapon. As flames erupted around him as he avoided it as it formed a bird. " A PHOENIX!?!" Phantom shouts getting in combat stance. [Flash Step] was used as he jumped closing in to the beast as the gust of wind from the wings pushed him back slaming him to the ground making him cough. " ow." He saw his fall damage resistance grow to large. He got up again and pulled a potion and healed again. " come on nig guy thst all you got?" He used flash step again infront of the monster and slashed it cutting it as it screeches as it sent more gusts of wind and stronget winds. Slamming Phantom to the ground. He used the potion again healing. " come at me ugly!" He shouts and noticed he gained a new skill (Prvoke) the Phoenix charged talons as Phantom stabbed the talon, but the sword melted. " seriosuly!?! The telon melts you but not slashing thr chest!?!" He shouts as he was grabbed he was about to pull the second longsword sword, but stops. " damn it its also gonna melt!" He teies to think of an idea as he noticed the Phoenix giving a glow. " that's not good!" He bites the talon taking a chunk off making the Phoenix drop him ate the piece and looked at his new skill consume. " well its a fire bird taste like chicken." He thinks about it " how can she summon hydra? Even thou she can't do damage?" He kept thinking then realized. " oh how i love thinking outside the box!" He shouts then used flash step again longsword in hand stabbing the back of the Phoenix and bites into it again. Eating chunks of the Phoenix. His eyes turned to stars " tastes just like the best tasting chicken at the fast food joint!" He said eating more of the Phoenix. It screams in agony. The door bust downs showing Tigress and Leon. They looked shocked seeing whats going on. " IS HE EATING THE DUNGEON BOSS!?!" Leon shouting surprised till Phantom finished and burped with a very happy face as a loot chest appears. Tigress and Leon walked up to the chest as Phantom joined them." Open up might be all set for you." Leon said as Phantom opened the chest there was an armor set and one katana in it. Phantom equipped the armor. " armor of the Phoenix king replica.... cool. " Phantom said reading the stats. "The armor gives the user a second chance of life  once a day. Restoring HP, Mana removes stat debuffs. Cool doesn't sound over powered sounds normal. Right?" He asked looking st Leon and Tigress. They shrugged not knowing s clear answer. " how about the sword and skill?" Tigress asked. Phantom checks " Phoenix the immortal fire bird.  When summoned i can either use it to send powerful gusts of wind knockback or piercing damage of fire like an arrow." Phantom said then checks his Katana. " Phoenix Talon doubles agility and when equiped main or off hand it doubles agility and transfers the agility in the strike adding to the strength." The three thought about it. " uh one cool two sounds powerful and three your agility is your highest stat right?" Leon asks. Phantom nods. " alright idea ignore continuing your strength stat since your sword can tranfer your agility to attack power." Tigress said. " i can agree to that. " Phantom said as he pull up his stats and  used his new stat points to all the stats except strength his agility and magic. Where close. " alright well lets log off for the night." Phantom said. " see you guys tomorrow." He said as Tigress and Leon agreed everyone logged off for the next day.

Bofuri: I am the great shield slayerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz