Shy Little Penguin

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The Octopod was parked in a rather nice place. Everyone was working. There was no sound but the typing of Dashi's paws on the computer. Everything was at peace, and everyone was content.

Barnacles heard the octoshute open, and turned to see who was entering. The peace was immediately ruined by the sound of the Vegimals carefree play. The Octonauts had to smile at that. While the Vegimals were technically adults, they seemed more like little children. It was nice to meet someone like that every now and again.

Peso followed them out, a book tucked under one flipper. Barnacles' eyes widened; he'd never seen that look before. Peso's eyes were half-lidded, and his beak was set-it was as if he were trying to control his facial features. The bear frowned. Nothing good ever came from that.

Trying to dismiss it, Barnacles turned back to his work. But he couldn't stop wondering. It hadn't been that long since they'd all met. A few months out at sea, and they were already learning about each other. But, they hadn't learned much about Peso. All they knew was that he had two brothers, a sister, a billion relatives, and had been smart enough to skip from fourth grade to tenth. But, other than that, nothing. Peso didn't speak much. And he still didn't seem too comfortable around them.

Barnacles knew this wouldn't leave him alone. And he could only think of one person to talk to. He turned, and entered the octoshute, sliding out into the library. The professor was too wrapped up in his book to notice anyone had come in. Barnacles hated to do it, but he had to interrupt his reading.

"Professor," the octopus glanced up. "Yes, captain. How may I help you?" Barnacles sat down on the sofa, and wondered where to begin. "Haven't you noticed anything...strange...about Peso?" The professor set down his book and nodded solemnly. "Yes, I have." Inkling had thought, that by now, Peso would've become used to them. It was saddening to know that he still hadn't opened up.

"Doesn't that worry you?" Inkling nodded again. "Yes, but we can't force him to open up. He must need more time." Barnacles sighed. "But, how much more? It's been almost six months! It's as if he's scared to death of us." The professor rubbed his tentacles together, nervously. The only ones who knew besides Peso and his family-excluding Pinto-were himself and Dr. Galen, who had been Peso's prior boss and mentor. But, it wasn't his place to say. It was Peso's.

Unfortunately, Barnacles caught on. "Professor, is there something I need to know?" Inkling thought for a moment, before answering; "Well, it's not my job to tell you, really. It's Peso's decision. But, I will say that he'd like to forget about it." Barnacles looked at the floor. He knew something was wrong. As he did so, something occurred to Inkling. "Why do you ask?"

Barnacles shrugged. "He's up in the HQ, watching the Vegimals. He's got this look on his face, it's almost like...jealousy." The professor nodded solemnly. Knowing more about Peso than the others, he could understand Peso's envy.

The Octoalert went off, jostling them from their thoughts. Shellington's voice floated through; "Sorry! Sorry, no one go anywhere. I didn't realize I was leaning on it!" There was laughter, but Barnacles stood up. "That's right, we were supposed to explore the coral reef. Could we talk later, Professor?" The octopus nodded, and followed him up to the Launch Bay.

When they got their, said little penguin was sitting on a crate, absorbed in his book. The captain watched him worriedly. Peso needed to socialize, not spend his life buried in his books. But, it was hard to get Peso to do that. He always spoke with a stutter, or some Spanish, and usually spent his free time reading and rereading books galore. He never spoke unless spoken to, and even then, he sometimes didn't speak. After watching him for a moment, Barnacles turned to the professor. "Maybe I should stay here..." he trailed off. It wasn't a good excuse, but Inkling nodded anyway. "Good idea. I'm not sure we should leave him alone on the Octopod." The captain smiled, and went up to the HQ. Everyone else seemed rather supportive of the idea. Peso was only fifteen, and was too small to do much by himself.

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