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Angelica with a bag on her back had snuck into the stables late at night in hopes of finding a horse. It was the night after her fathers funeral and now with no real parents alive she felt as though it was her time to leave. Snow could handle herself, that much was certain after all she was in line to be queen. Angelica has never felt as though she belonged in the kingdom after she discovered she could perform light magic, the only person she trusted enough to tell was Regina.
"And where do you think your going?" A voice called making Angelica turn with a gasp.
"You know I don't belong here Regina. I need to leave. I need to learn how to control my magic" Angelica tells her
"Well it just so happens I know someone who can help" Regina says with a smile
"Seriously? Your not going to make me stay?" Angelica questions
"I see a lot of myself in you Angelica I know how it feels to want to be free. Take this and it will guide you to your destination" Regina says as she passes Angelica a map. Taking the map, Angelica gets onto the horse with a smile
"Thank you Regina. For everything. You've been more like a mother to me these past years than my mother ever was. Thank you" Angelica says with a smile
"Well your welcome. Stay safe" Regina tells her with a smile
"I will. One last question what's the name of this person?" Angelica asks

I awake with a gasp and find myself drenched in sweat which is odd. The dream was the same as yesterday and the day before but it felt real like I was actually there. This 'Regina' coincidently looks like the Regina that I know which is what makes it even weirder.
I soon find myself walking towards my shop, the bakery. It may not be the most exciting thing but I enjoy it and it pays the bills. After passing Archie and Pongo with a smile, I reach my shop and unlock the doors.
"Miss Black, good morning" I hear a voice I know all to well say and I turn around with a smile
"Good morning Mr Gold" I reply with a smile. I haven't had a chance to talk to him much since our kiss a few days back.
"I trust you heard about our latest visitor" Mr Gold says to me
"Oh I heard about that all right. I got an earful from Regina both last night and this morning" I reply with a smile
"Well I best be off to my shop. Enjoy your day miss Black" Mr Gold says to me
"You too" I reply before walking into my shop.
The morning went by rather quickly and before I knew it I had found myself sitting in Mary Margaret's classroom, watching her teach as I wait for her lunch break to start.
"Where's my son?" I hear Regina says as she storms into the room.
"I thought you found him?" I ask concerned
"Henry.. I assumed he was home with you." Mary Margret replies
"You think I'd be here if he was? Did you give him your credit card so he can find her?" Regina asks as she gestures towards a woman with blonde hair who I'm assuming is Emma
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Mary Margret asks her
"I'm—I'm his--"Emma stumbles, unclear how to reply
"The woman who gave him up for adoption." Regina answers
"You don't know anything about this, do you?" Emma asks
"No, unfortunately not." Mary Margret says as she searches for her credit card. "Clever boy. I should never have given him that book."
"What in the hell is this book I keep hearing about?" Regina asks
"Just some old stories I gave him. As you well know, Henry is a special boy: so smart, so creative, and as you might be aware, lonely. He needed it." Mary Margret tells Regina
"What he needs is dose of reality. This is a waste of time. Have a nice trip back to Boston" Regina says as she walks out in a huff, knocking over a stack of books on the way.
"Sorry to bother you both" Emma apologises
"No, it's--it's okay, I fear this is partially my fault." Mary Margret "How's a book supposed to help?" Emma asks
"What do you think stories are for? These stories? The classics? There's a reason we all know them. They're a way for us to deal with our world. A world that doesn't always make sense. See, Henry hasn't had the easiest life." Mary Margret explains as we leave the classroom and walk down the hall?
"Yeah, she's kind of a hard-ass." Emma says
"No, it's more than her. He's like any adopted child. He wrestles with that most basic question they all inevitably face: why would anyone give me away?" I explain to Emma before realising what I said "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean in any way to judge you..."
"It's okay." Emma says to me
"Look, I gave the book to him because I wanted Henry to have the most important thing anyone can have; hope. Believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a very powerful thing." Mary Margret says
"You both know where he is, don't you." Emma says and Mary Margret and I glance at each other
"You might want to check his castle."
-Enchanted Forest-

"Ahhh! Help! I can't have this baby now!" Snow says as I grab a hold of her hand
"Doc. Do something." I warn him, hating to see my sister in such pain
"It's gonna be okay. The wardrobe's almost finished, just—just hold on." David reassures her
"Nooooo! Ahhh!" Snow screams
"It's ready."Geppetto says as he enters the room
"It's ready" David says as he starts to pick up Snow
"It's too late. We can't move her." Doc says to him
After Snow screaming a lot and pushing, she soon welcomes a beautiful baby who's now covered in a blanket with "Emma" embroidered on it.
"The wardrobe. It only takes one." Snow says making our smiles fade
"Then our plan has failed. At least we're together." David says to us
"No. You have to take her. Take the baby to the wardrobe." Snow tells David
"Are you out of your mind?" David asks her
"No. It's the only way, you have to send her through" Snow says
"She's right David, it's the only way" I tell him
"No no n-n-n-n-no. You don't know what you're saying." David tells us
"No, I do. We have to believe that she'll come back for us. We have to giver her her best chance"

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