The crowd in the theatre erupts in applause. Finn points at us and I hear Louis say, “They have a bit of an advantage, don’t they?”

“They do,” Harry agrees, “but unfortunately, they can’t be here in the building today. We do have them on live feed and here they are,” he points up to the teleprompter behind him.

Finn looks to us and silently counts backward from five. He points at us when the camera turns on and I hold up the prop award to show that camera, “Thank you guys so much for the award. I’m sorry we can’t be there to celebrate with you.”

“Instead,” Chris picks up where I left off and I look over to him, “we’re in New York planning our wedding.”

There’s a few seconds delay on the television, but as soon as we hear him say it the crowd starts shouting and clapping again.

“We’re not really sure who to thank on this one,” I chuckle lightly. “Usually we’d thank everyone involved in the movie process, but really it’s not them that had the chemistry.”

“It’s not them that bonded so well in front of the camera. Nope that was us,” Chris gives me his famous smirk. “So, I’m going to thank you.”

Hoots and hollers are heard from the crowd as I say to him, “I’m going to thank you too.”

As planned Finn counts us out as we lean together. And just before our lips collide, the feed shuts off. He puts his lips to mine anyway, but I back away quickly so I can see the reaction on the screen. It makes me smile even bigger when I see everyone applauding and standing and cheering.

When it cuts away to commercial, I get up to go over to help Marcy, Becca, and Tina. Everything is pretty much decided; we’re just going over little things. Seating, arrangements, placement of the furniture for the reception, it’s all the last minute details.

“Babe,” Chris calls a few minutes later from the couch where he’s still watching, “your category is up.”

Going to sit back down, I watch as the presenters come up and announce the nominees. An arm wraps around my shoulders and I fall back into Topher and pull my legs up on the other side of me. I know he’s trying to relax me and I try as hard as I can. But then the time comes and they’re announcing the winner and Chris is kissing me and Finn is counting me in. I know my mouth must be hanging open, but I can’t believe it. The first one was kind of a given; we’re the most likely to be Best Bromance because we’re an actual couple – plus Chris gets everything he’s nominated for. This one is just me.

The camera turns on and Finn points at me. I somehow find my words, “Wow guys. Thank you so much for this. I can’t begin to thank you enough.” Stopping for a second, I look over to my soon-to-be-husband and smile, “I guess I have to thank everyone that’s been through the entire process. The cast and crews for the two movies I’ve filmed and the one I’m doing now.” Moving my gaze back to the camera, I list off a few more, “My friends, my family, my manager Johnny. Most of all,” smirk I turn once again to Chris, “my husband-to-be-once-again, Christopher.” Turning back again, I hold my hands out to the camera, “And you guys, everyone who voted for me. You’ve all been there through my tough times. You’re absolutely the best thing ever. Thank you all.” To end it, I just wave. I’m not sure how you end these types of things.

Of course, Chris wins his award too. He’s all humble and surprised. But his speech is sincere and nice. Then he looks at me with a smile and says, “And you. It was almost two years ago we met. And whether you know it or not, you saved me from myself. I was in a bad place and then you walked into my life and everything changed. You saved my day,” his smirk returns, but I can see the love in his eyes. He leans up to kiss my cheek before turning back to the camera and ends his thank you speech.

The rest of the night goes smoothly. Topher even helps a little with the last minute plans. Mars and Becca congratulate us both and pour us drinks to celebrate. It’s fun and we get everything done. At the end of the night before they go leave, I could swear that they were getting a bit flirty. Must have just been the alcohol. That would just be too much for me to handle.

The next day Topher and I spend with Mum and Angela. We show them around the city and bring them to Chris’ family’s bar to meet his aunt and cousins. Everyone hits it off stunningly.

I had bought my family a suite to stay in while they’re here. That way (since it has three bedrooms) I could stay with them the night before the wedding. I don’t mean to be superstitious, but I want everything to be perfect this time around.

And it is; the wedding goes just as planned – maybe even better. All of our favorite girls and boy walk down before us: my side in shade of green, his in shade of blue. Angela’s my best woman followed by Marcy and Riel. Sammi walks as my fiancé’s best woman followed by Becca and then Tripp. The girls all have different shapes and types of dresses, but they all seem to work together. A stylist came in to pick the girls dresses. Tripp wears a dark blue suit and a light blue tie that compliments him.

Mum walks me down followed by Topher and Aunt Ruth. The ceremony is just the right amount of funny and romantic. Other than the media guy, we hired Evan to do the photography. He also brought his husband and their two children. Friends that we’ve made filming and people that we’ve met along the road come to celebrate. Everything is too good to be true.

The reception is full of laughter and a little drinking. Our friends and family members dance and eat and converse. We actually have a first dance; which is nice. The food turns out lovely. The decorations are incredible without being too much. I’m more than happy that we decided to actually have a wedding and reception that we both remember. It’s literally the best day of my life.

Falling into bed, still clothed with ties loosened, after said reception is the perfect end to the perfect day. For our honeymoon, we decided to go to Australia and New Zealand for a couple weeks, but that doesn’t start until tomorrow. Tonight we’re sleeping in our bed, in our room, in OUR house.

Chris rolls to his side and props his head up on his arm, “I love you.”

Chuckling slightly, I lean forward to plant my lips to his; he’s been saying that every chance he’s gotten since the ceremony. “Thank you for all this,” I tell him as I pull away.

“Anything for you,” hey says as he reaches out and pulls me closer to him. When I’m right on his side, he picks himself up to hover over me, “I love you.”

Smiling, I pull his shoulders down so his body rest just over mine and plan tour lips together quickly, “I love you too.” When our eyes connect again, I hitch a brow and give him a sly smirk, “So, what do you say to making this marriage concrete?”

My only answer is a moan around attached lips and hands trailing down my sides.

This will be our first time actually ‘consummating’, but since the trial we’ve become very familiar with each other’s bodies. The big thing was decided only to make it more special and not because I wasn’t ready anymore. I actually want to be with him badly, but it seemed more like us to wait. We’d waited this long a couple months wasn’t going to kill us.

The smile that makes its way to my face seems like it’ll be permanent. And really, why shouldn’t it be? I still have my wonderful career, my amazing friends, my supportive family, and my husband; my perfect husband that’s been there for me through everything and still loves me no matter what.


This is the last chapter guys!!! Only the epilogue left!

Thank you so much for reading and enjoying this story as much as I do. I'm actaully sad that it's over. The epilogue will be up as soon as it's complete. I miss them already.

I love you all for supporting me through this. You are amazing. The best fans in the whole world. Everyone has a name for their fans... I haven't thought of one. Any suggestions? 

By the way, a naughtier version of this chapter will be up soon also. It will be in the 'All Things Rated R' book on my page with the other naughty scene in this book.

Thanks again guys!! I love you soooo much!

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