396 15 4

November 6

As more and more people came into his house I started to feel more and more out of place, so I went to take a shower. I walked into the bathroom attached to Ciarán's bedroom and found some towels under his sink. After struggling with the shower I finally got hot water and stepped in. After starting to wash out shampoo I heard a door open and I peaked my head out to see Ciarán with some clothes. 

"I'm not looking I just thought you'd want clothes!" He exclaimed before chucking them on top of the counter and running out. I couldn't help but chuckle at how fast he ran out. I went back to my shower and he was stuck in my mind. 


I got changed into a giant shirt he gave me, and I decided to ditch the pants and just throw the jeans back on. I left my hair to dry on its own. After I folded the towel and left it on the counter, I walked out and into his bedroom and found my phone. Almost as if she knew I had picked up my phone Zoe called me. 

"Girl, you will never guess what happened!" Zoe started in. "So you remember that sugar daddy I had?"

"Which one?" I let out a chuckle.

"Brian. Anyway turns out the party was thrown by his ex step-son and he came in this morning angry as fuck! Mostly because it is one of his properties. Then he saw me and smiled. Turns out him and his wife are getting a divorce and wants me to be his sugar baby again."

"That's great for you, Zoe!" 

"Wait, it gets even better. He bought me a puppy! Like-"

"Wait, are you even ready for a puppy?" 

"Yes. He's paying for a trainer and daycare until she is trained! This way she will be socialized."

"Wow, Zoe. I'm proud, not going to lie."

"So did you hook up with that guy you left with?"

"I don't think so. I was in my clothes when I woke up, so. He's so nice though, he bought me bagels!"

"Evanie that's amazing. He seems so nice!"

"He is! He always visits me at work-" I heard a knock on the door. "One second." I opened the door to see Ciarán holding a set of keys. 

"You ready?" I nodded before quickly saying bye to Zoe and finding my shoes. We walked out of the house and quickly got into his car as it started to drizzle. "By the way we didn't do anything last night."

"I assumed as much, but thank you so much." I smiled. "Also, thank you so much for the bagels! I love bagels!" 

"No problem. Did you really like the song or were you just saying that?" It took me a moment to realize what he was talking about.

"Yes, I would be lying if I said I didn't have chills." I looked over and saw him slightly blush. "I want to hear more."

"Really?" I nodded. He pressed down on a button on the steering wheel. "Play Summer." He raised his voice before turning up the volume. The sound started playing and as I did with the first song, I felt chills. 

come on be my only one / bearfaceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن