i love you.

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BEING ABLE TO REFER TO JAKE AS HIS BOYFRIEND IS A COMFORT, AND A RELIEF.  oliver mclaren and jake peralta, both detectives at the nine nine precinct, danced around their feelings for each other for a little over a year before getting drunk during a celebration and confessing with messy speeches.  there wasn't much they remembered from that night, expect for sloppy drunk kissing and falling asleep without sex.  it's been bumpy and fun since then, at least for oliver.

AND OLIVER KNOWS LOTS OF THINGS, like how you can buy octopus flavoured potato chips, lemons float and limes sink, you can buy a banana holder for your bike and that he loves jake peralta.

IT'S HARD TO NOT LOVE JAKE, everyone loves him.  he's sunshine when it's raining, a doughnut in a box of rocks.  and he makes oliver happy.

BUT OLIVER STRUGGLES WITH LOVE.  struggles to accept the fact that jake may love him back.  instead, he forces himself to believe that jake still loves amy and the drunk speech, was just that, a drunk spewing of words, influenced by the whiskey.  lies.  but jake is too nice to say anything.  so he lies.  and lies and lies.  to oliver.  and then, one day, he'll snap and end it all.

THE NINE NINE SAYS ITS ALL IN HIS HEAD.  that jake does love him and he'll tell him when he's ready.  so, on their dates, oliver doesn't say anything to jake, to not fuck it up, to not fuck up the relationship.  he tries, tries hard to not ruin everything.

INSTEAD, HE FUCKS UP.  he loves jake, so much.  accidentally blurts out "i love you", avoids jake and amidst all of it, oliver is offered the job of his dreams.  he and jake struggle with their relationship and what do to, with oliver's announcement of love adding more pressure.


oliver mclaren loves his boyfriend and accidentally blurts it out, before being offered the job of his dreams, not knowing if jake loves him back.

(   a mostly fluffy short brooklyn nine nine fic to distract me and fill my time as i try and find motivation for my other fics   )

(   dave franco as oliver mclaren  )

can we get chicken fingers after?  "

"  can we get chicken fingers after?  "

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(   andy samberg as jake peralta  )

'why is this taking so long'  title of your sex tape "

"  'why is this taking so long'  title of your sex tape "

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(   the rest of the b99 cast as themselves   )

"  nine nine!  "

notes  )

so hi!  jake is bi and nobody can tell me otherwise

dedicated to L0VELYGRAZER

and everyone else whom i love

warnings:  homophobia (no slurs) and assholes (that are homophobic)

this is a short fic to fill my time while i search for motivation to write my other fics and actually fucking update

time: this story takes place in 2017 cause 2020 sucks

i'm also addicted to b99 so expect another jake fic sometime after this one.

love ya!  ab.

(I LOVE YOU)¹     jake peraltaWhere stories live. Discover now