Aaron Hotchner x Scared reader

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Having to stay silent and not bother the  Unsub was terrifying. You have been held captive for five days and you're fearing for your life. The Unsub was very harsh to you and would not feed you for days. You've grown weak. But then sirens were being heard. Hope came to you, and then Hotch handcuffed the Unsub when he wasn't expecting it. After the Unsub was put in the police car, Hotch turned to you and took you to the team, so that you could have dinner with them. You thanked Hotch and he said it's part of his job. But you were still scared. You shook as you slowly ate your food, Hotch frowned and talked to you to calm your anxiety down. He didn't want you to have an panic attack in front of him. He told a joke and that calmed you down. You both smiled at each other, this is a start of a new friendship.

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