Aaron Hotchner x Shy Reader

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Y/n's POV I was the shy type of a person, but when I joined the BAU, I slowly became more sociable but I was still shy. Even around Aaron, who was the boss. We were with Rossi at his favorite restaurant. I was eating my food and drinking water. Hotch then kissed my cheek. I blushed, the team cheered for her and smirked. We rolled our eyes and blushed. For the end of the night, we spent time together. And smiled at each other. We watched movies, laughed, and and shared popcorn. I cuddled Aaron and he cuddled me back with his arm wrapped around me. "I-I love y-you" he smiled and said kissing my forehead"I love you too"

Aaron Hotchner x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now