i don't wanna make you feel bad

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Sunflower, Vol. 6

Chapter Three: I Don't Wanna Make You Feel Bad

"My daddy thinks you're really pretty."

Andrew tried not to panic too much. There was a little girl without a parent standing in front of him, wide blue eyes staring brightly at him. "Oh, is that so? Where is he?"

"Well, I don't really know. I think he got nervous. He wants to marry you." She smiled then, showing off a gap in her front teeth.

"What's your name?" Andrew diverted the conversation. While it was wonderful to know there was someone who might think he was pretty, he wasn't about to trust a random child.

"My name is Paisley Ann Josten. My dad's name is Neil. I have his phone number memorized," she said, the numbers rolling off her tongue robotically. Andrew remembered a time in which he had to remember a family members' phone number for school. He started to wonder how old this girl was. And also where she came from.

"Hey, Paisley?" he asked, catching her attention again. "Can you give me his phone number again?"

~ ~ ~

Neil was pacing nervously at the back of the store where Paisley had just stood beside him. After five years, he should be better at keeping his child close to him and not losing her. He didn't want to leave, for fear that she would come back looking for him and he would not be there.

[Neil's iPhone ; 22 February 2020 ; 4:20 p.m.]

Unknown Number: is this neil josten?

Neil: Who is this?

Unknown Number: i think i have something you might want back.

Neil: I don't know what you're talking about. Sorry.

Unknown Number: image attached.

Neil: Oh fuck. Yes, I want her back.

Neil: Holy shit, thank you. Where was she?

Neil: I'm so sorry. She walked away from me.

Neil: Wait, who are you?

Unknown Number: hold on, i'll come meet you.

Unknown Number: where are you?

Neil: Back of the store. Kids' section.

Neil: I'm sorry again. She should know better.

Unknown Number: it's fine.

Unknown Number: she should learn not to talk about her father so much.

Unknown number: i know more about you than i do her.

Neil: And I know nothing about you.

Unknown Number: Sure you do.

Neil was brought out of his panic by a small tap on his hand. He looked down to see his daughter smiling up at him. "Paisley Ann! You can't run off like that. I thought you got kidnapped. I was so worried, baby." Neil leaned down to hug her, not letting go, and not looking up to see who brought her back.

Sunflower, Vol. 6Where stories live. Discover now