Sophie had been in this position before; being held hostage by a boy who everyone saw as evil and being kept away from her friends was nothing new to her. She'd once stayed with Rafal after all because she believed he was the path to her Never After.

Except Rafal hadn't been her path to Never After after all. Rhian hadn't been it either, and now Sophie was stuck with a boy who wished her friends dead.

Japeth and Rafal were eerily similar in their mindsets Sophie realized. Like Rafal killed his twin in the Great War, Japeth had killed Rhian. While Rafal would've gone to great lengths to ensure his Never After with Sophie, it seemed that Japeth would do practically anything to ensure Aric's return.

Sophie's mind flitted back to her dream and the scene of a broken Japeth slouched on the ground, his blue gaze looking so conflicted and torn. Deep down, Sophie knew in her heart that Japeth just needed some help to get on a better path.

And maybe that was Sophie's purpose. Maybe her purpose was never to be a Princess or be Rafal's Queen or even be the Dean if Evil. Maybe Sophie's purpose was to guide Japeth back to the light, to help evil doers like him find what they were looking for.

Eventually, Sophie shook her head to clear her thoughts and headed into the dining room. She was greeted by the lion chandelier hanging on the ceiling, the lion patterned rug, and Japeth sitting at the end of the table.

Sophie could feel the Snake's eyes boring into her as she sat down. She saw that he was dressed back in his gold and blue King's uniform—Rhian's old suit—except his crown was sitting on the tabletop in front of him as if it were too heavy to for him to place on his head.

"I thought about what you said," Japeth began as Sophie fiddled with her fork, "and I agree. Things will get more complicated if we continue hating each other. So I suggest we work our issues out somehow."

Hearing the clipped tone in Japeth's voice, Sophie searched his face and was surprised to find his expression was oddly genuine. Usually, Japeth was ice cold and menacing, especially towards Sophie. But now, for some reason, he seemed much more relaxed today since their talk last night.

"Oh?" Sophie said, raising an eyebrow at Japeth. She couldn't keep the disbelief from her voice and knew Japeth could obviously hear it. "And what do you propose we do to 'work our issues out?'"

Japeth must've heard the sarcasm in Sophie's voice, for an amused expression crossed over his face as he buried a mouthful of duck confit in his mouth.

"Actually," Japeth said, swallowing. He pointed his fork at Sophie. "I was thinking you could make a proposal. After all, you would gain the most out of a deal with your friends' lives on the line and all."

Sophie tried not to let her shock in her expression show as she whipped her head up, meeting Japeth's aqua blue eyes. "Me?" She breathed in disbelief. "Save my friends' lives—but—but I thought you would've killed them at the wedding, yet you didn't. Rhian made them outcasts, fugitives. You declared Tedros and any follower of him be executed when you captured them again!"

Japeth put his fork down and leaned forward across the table, getting impossibly close in Sophie's personal space. She tensed, awaiting his explanation, but the silence drew on until Sophie swore she could hear her and Japeth's own heartbeats syncing up.

"Lets just say our heartfelt moment last night really had me considering my new wife's feelings," Japeth said at last, his fingers drumming against the tabletop. "After the way my brother and I used you like a puppet for our own personal gain, parading you around like you were some loyal queen when in fact you were plotting behind our backs to tear us apart...well, I believe you are deserving of a reward. Plus, after the way our marriage is starting off, I do believe we should change some things going forward. So what do you say?"

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