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Brooke and I walked quietly back to my room still in shock. 'Why now? Why can't I grow up, get married, have kids and then die.' I thought to myself.
Brooke picked me up and sat on my bed setting me beside her. We just layed there for what seemed like hours but in reality was only minutes in silence.
Brooke broke the silence by saying a very clever idea. "Molly, why don't you write down a bucket list and we can do them together in the......mean time.." she said getting choked up a bit at the end. I just smiled at her and nodded calling Maddison in.
"Maddi can I have my pencil and paper please?" I asked smiling sweetly at her. She got it then went back to work, as she had another patient named Mark.
I began writing;
Molly's Bucket List
1. Meet One Direction.
2. See One Direction sing.
3. Have First Kiss
4. Meet Magcon Boys and Mahogany.
5. Meet Jennxpenn and Gettoxfabxforever.
6. Meet O2L
7. Have a Boyfriend
8. Get my hair back.
9. Feel beautiful. (Your all beautiful)
10.Go to DisneyLand with Brooke and Maddison
11. Be loved by a family.
12. Be cured
13. Sing on stage.
14. Learn how to play guitar
15. Play Piano with Demi Lovato.
16. Get a Phone
17. Get married and have kids.
18.Fly a kite.
19. Go to the beach
20. See Daughtry perform
21. Meet Ed Sheeran.
I put my pencil down and noticed it was getting dark outside. Brooke was asleep and I didn't want to wake her. It's been a bad day. I got off the bed and put my paper in the droor of my desk.
I crawled back into bed with Brooke and snuggled into her side. We do this a lot. I love her with all my heart. I hope she isn't mad at me if I ever die.
Darkness slowly came over me and I fell into a peaceful sleep.
(PIC OF BROOKE ON THE SIDE) Hey lovelies! Dis is da new book, Bren wrote these two chapters but I helped a little bit! Please don't hate on her, we've been friends forever. Anywayssss Commet and vote!!
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Love Riley and Brenna💕💞💓💗💜💚💙💛❤️💖💋😍😘
Ps. It's short cause it's late and were tired...

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