He knows that he's never really been 'popular' before. But with his true identity out in the open for everyone to see, there are going to be a lot of people trying to get close to him in an attempt for fame. Peter's not stupid. He knows that people are awful and that they will do what they can in order to get money and fame and Peter is going to become a stepping stone.

He's not the best when it comes to confrontation and he's not looking forward to telling people he's not interested in their fake friendships.

"When are we going to do a press conference?" Peter heard himself asking. Pepper hummed as she thought.

"Soon." she said. "We can't just leave the world to speculate. But we'll have to wait for Tony to get home before we do anything."

"When will he be back?" Peter asked, mixed feelings arising as he thought about Tony's return. They had left off on a bad note. Was he angry with Peter? For the fight? For the leak? And Peter was also nervous because if Tony came home that meant so would Wolf.

Pepper smirked. "He's trying to speed things up," she said. "He's furious."


Tony was having the best day.

(Note the sarcasm.)

After his very enlightening talk with Shuri, out came Steve. His face was bright with hope and excitement and Tony bit his lip to stifle the mixed emotions that rose up in the back of his throat. (Or was that bile?) Tony forced his camera-ready smile onto his face and rose gracefully.

"What's the news, Cap?" Tony asked. Shuri shook her head silently beside him.

"All good." Steve said happily. "He's awake and responding. And he's perfectly healthy now, right?" Steve asked, looking at Shuri.

"Do you doubt me?" she scoffed. She then looked at him seriously. "Just because he's free from Hydra's control, doesn't mean that all the trauma he has magically went away. He still needs a lot of therapy."

Steve nodded. "That's to be expected."

Tony clapped his hands. "Alright! Now that that's out of the way, you want to show me to your lab?" he asked, his eyes widening in excitement. "I hear it's drool-worthy."

Shuri threw her head back and laughed. "Don't assault my lab, Stark." she said. "You have a wife."

Tony just wiggled his eyebrows, causing Steve to blush and Shuri to laugh even harder. Steve coughed and looked back at Tony. "Don't you want to go home?" he asked. "I thought you didn't want to come here."

"Well I'm here now," Tony shrugged, ignoring the burning gaze of Shuri beside him. "May as well enjoy the views."

Steve shrugged. "If you're sure."

"I am---" the ringing of Tony's cellphone cut it off. He held up a finger and looked at the I.D, a smile gracing his face when he saw who was calling. "Hello my love. What can I do for you---"

"Tony, it's been leaked!" Pepper's frantic voice came over the phone. Tony froze, his face clearly giving away his fear because Steve looked at him in concern, mouthing the words, 'What's wrong?' at him wearily.

"What are you talking about, Pep?" Tony asked, his voice as hard as steel.

"Someone leaked Peter's identity." Pepper cried. "He got swarmed by the press outside of school. Happy was able to get him and May back to the Tower safely."

"Fuck!" Tony cursed. He snapped his head to Shuri. "Shuri! You got a TV somewhere?"

Shuri nodded and quickly led Tony to a room where the rest of the Avengers and Barnes were standing along with T'Challa. Tony ignored all of them in favor of snatching the remote and turning to the first major news channel he could think of.

Two reporters sat at the table, a picture of Peter being pulled by Happy into a car in the background behind them. "---no comments from the S.I departments but we do have an unconfirmed leak that Peter Stark, previously thought to have been killed, is actually alive." the woman reporter said. Tony ignored the sharp inhale of everyone in the room while rage flew through him.

"Who leaked it?" Tony demanded.

"We don't know." Pepper sighed. "It was so well kept... We're working on it right now. Tony, I think we need to have a press conference. We can't leave them to their own devices, this could be devastating."

"How's Peter holding up?" Tony asked. "He wasn't ready for the world to know yet."

"He's holding up as well as you'd think." Pepper said sadly. "He's been staring into nothing for the past ten minutes. Tony, he's practically catatonic. One of those damn reporters bruised his wrist. I'm going to sue."

Tony glared. "You do that," he snarled. "I'm coming as soon as I can. Keep him safe."

"I will," Pepper promised. "I love you. Come home soon."

"Love you too." he said, before slamming the end button and letting out a curse. "I need to go home." he said, looking back at the team. "We need to get back to the tower. Now."

"Stark your son---"

"Yes, he's alive." Tony snapped, a small amount of guilt ebbing his words when he saw Shuri's wide eyes. Tony sighed. "We found him close to a year ago. We've been doing what we could to keep him out of the press."

"Is he free to leave?" Natasha asked, an eyebrow raised at Shuri. Shuri nodded quickly. "Tony, let's go."

Tony nodded, his face grim. "Let's go home, team. Peter needs me." 

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