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Poe was standing in a bay, his jumpsuit half opened and his helmet tucked against his waist. The bay was so vast he couldn't see the edge of it. Shiny star fighters were lined up in front of him but he was the only living soul. He heard footsteps behind him and felt an arm wrap around his shoulders.

"What the hell did you do with my droid", said Deelio playfully.

"I'm sorry", mumbled Poe. "I feel like I killed you again..."

"I wouldn't worry too much about Omh. He probably saved some backups somewhere before leaving the base. He's hard to get rid off", she chuckled before kissing him on the cheek.

Poe stared at her. She looked younger and healthier than she was when Finn and him found her on her rock, more like the memory he had of her when they were both in the Navy. Even in the way she talked and moved around him.

"How could I messed up things so bad with you?", he asked miserably.

"Life doesn't always give us the best cards", said Deelio while pulling his necklace from under his shirt.

"You sound like Leia", snickered Poe.

"Well, I am a product of your mind so blame it on yourself!"

Poe frown and watched her play with his mother's ring hanging on the chain. He was aware he was hallucinating - just dreaming maybe? - he just couldn't figure if it was a good sign or not.

"Am I dying?", he asked out loud to no-one in particular.

"I don't think you are", laughed Deelio. "You're probably just high on bacta and pain meds."

He nodded, hypnotized by the ring rolling between her fingers.

"I'm in love with Finn."

The words came out of his mouth before he could think, as if said by somebody else. But they felt deeply and painfully true.

"You think?", giggled Deelio.

"But I can't tell him."

"Oh for-"

"And I think he's in love with someone else", said Poe before his friend could finish.

"That...That's another problem", agreed Dee. "But you'll never know for sure if you don't ask."

Poe looked at her, silent outside but his mind as loud as the mess hall after they destroyed Starkiller base. She smiled and cupped his face.

"I have to leave", she said quietly, "but I want you to promise me you'll act on him."

Poe felt tingles in his limbs and the smell of bacta - he was coming back to the real world.

"Dee...", he whispered as if it could make her come back too.

"Promise me. I'm serious Poe."

He pursed his lips, tried to escape her gaze but couldn't look away. Maybe he could stay a little longer in that hazzy state, far from the war, the deaths and the responsibilities.

"You need to go now, Poppy, but promise me you'll let someone love you."


Poe woke up under one of those monitoring dome and with a thick bandage around his head. He waited a moment for his body to shake off the numbness of sedation then pushed the dome away and sat up.

The room was dimly lighted but he recognized immediately the two figures sleeping against each other by his bed. Finn was still in his First Order uniform, his head was leaned back on the chair, mouth opened and slightly snoring. Rey's head rested on Finn's shoulder and her feet on BB-8 who also seemed in sleep mode.

"Up already?", asked Leia with a mix of amusement and disapproval as she came inside the room.

Poe answered her with an apologetic smile, watched her come closer and sit on the edge of his bed.

"How are you feeling?", she asked in that motherly tone she used sometimes with him and that never failed to make him feel warm and special.

"I'm okay."

"I have some good news. Your success changed the game, we are launching a mission on Corellia to take as many ships and starfighters as we can. Wedge Antilles will be leading it", she quickly added before Poe could say he wanted in. "In the meantime, you are grounded for a week."

"I thought you said there was not going to be sanctions", said Poe surprised.

"This is not disciplinary, the doctor said you needed some rest. Plus, I need you to teach those new pilots how to fly something else than a Tie."

Poe was about to argue but she darted her piercing eyes on him and he knew there was no point. "Fine", he sighed turning to his sleeping friends. "Actually", he added, "I was thinking about giving Finn some lessons..."

"I'm sure he would gladly join your classes", smiled Leia. "Oh, they found this in your pocket", she added holding out a remote controler.

Poe took it and turned it between his fingers. It was Omh's controler. He made a mental note to ask C3PO if he knew about a backup Omh would have made before leaving.

Leia put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed it lightly before taking her leave. She ordered him to stay in bed for a few more hours once she reached the door and Poe lied back down to prove he would well behave. She smiled and closed the door behind her.

Poe turned his head to watch Finn and Rey, waves of peacefulness and belonging washed over him. He was lucky to have friends like them, fighting alongside him, caring for him. He could live with that, at least until the end of the war against the First Order.

Then, if they made it alive, he'd see if he could fulfill his promise to Deelio...

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