Chapter Eleven: Too Late

Start from the beginning

"For once, I don't know the outcome hence the fleeing instinct, but I do know it could change a lot of things," He runs a hand through his hair messing the slickness of it, "I do know that I hate change when it isn't good," He honestly tells me.

"I may be young, sir, but I do know things happen for a reason. We can either fight it or embrace it," I tell him as I look from the valley to him. "If you're sure leaving is the best, no one can stop you. If you think leaving is the easier option, I ask you to consider it a bit more, for you will be deeply missed," I say as I try to carefully word everything. "Running from one's actions causes more of downfall then facing it even if you don't dare to do so," I add.

"Wise words for someone your age," He muses as he turns to look at me.

"You can say I learned them from a great man who passed them down to an even greater one. I just wished I had taken them more to heart," I say softly as I think of my brother and I having a very similar conversation long ago.

He softly chuckles and says, "I appreciate this morning chat we've had. You've shown me there is more to consider with my choice, thank you for that." He picks some snow up and lets it fall between his fingers. "You helped me with my issue, so perhaps I can be a bit more assistance to yours," He tells me. "She loves Christmas because of seeing all the smiles and holiday glee. To help her, you might need to create some," He lets the last bit of the snow fall from his hand before he dusts them off and gets up. "With that, I must bid you farewell since my duties still need to be done," He says with a wink before leaving. 

I look at the snow in confusion as I take the last hit from my cigarette and put it out. Create some glee? I think as I pick some of the some of it up in my hand and let it fall. How am I do that? I think before the realization hits me, causing me to smile. "Andrew, you were right about some duties still needing to be done," I say softly as I get up. I look around to find a small bucket by the back door. I carry it back over to my spot and begin to get work. I then sneak inside with the bucket in tow.

Phlat! I watch as Kara jerks awake with snow falling out of her hair. "Cassie, what are you doing," She doesn't get to finish as I hit her with another snowball.

"Catch me if you can," I declare before running out of room with the bucket now filled with snowballs. I turn left and head towards Ash's room. I carefully turn the doorknob and see he's still asleep. With a devious grin, I pelt him with one as well causing him to wake up with a jolt.

"What the?" He yells in confusion before he sees me standing there. "Cas?" He questions.

"Rise and shine!" I yell before I throw another at him and run as I hear Kara coming after me.

I barely make it out into the yard before I'm hit with a snowball. I turn to see her standing there. She looks angry before she breaks out into laughter, "I hope you're ready for war!" She yells to me as she begins making another one.

Ash comes around the corner, fixing his shirt he just threw on. "Really Cas, a snowball fight," He muses before saying, "You do realize you pick the wrong one to fight against."

"Bring it on!" I yell as I throw another one at them and take cover behind the wall just as she throws one at me.

Our yells and laughter echo throughout the courtyard as we throw snowballs at one another. None of us are properly dressed to be outside, but it's clear that we don't care as we play in the snow. Our hands and noses are starting to turn red as we throw it at one another and duck for cover. Thank you, Andrew. I think as I throw another one. It's when it misses Ash and hits someone else that I freeze. I look in horror as he dusts off his uniform and raises a red brow at me. "Really shortcake?" He asks me.

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