Come Hither Chapter ||

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It was night time when I was walking to the store to get my food. As I was walking, I noticed a family all putting boxes into a house across the street. The family consisted of a light skinned boy with a huge Afro, another light skinned boy with short curly hair and another brown skinned boy with blonde hair.

The one with the afro looked at me from across the street and threw me a peace sign with a heart warming smile. I looked around and pointed to myself mouthing "Me?" He nodded and gestured for me to come over. I did as I was told for some reason maybe cause they were all so damn fine. I mean I'm ugly I'm supposed to listen to people who looked better than me. That's at least what my ma always told me.

I walked quickly over to the three boys and the one with the afro grabbed my hand and pulled me into a huge hug.

"I've been watching you since you walked down the street! Isn't he CUTE?!?" Afro caressed my cheek. Wow, it must've been really dark out here. Me? Cute? Where's Ashton? Straight foolery, I'm ugly as hell.

"Awwww!" The other two said in unison. The short curly haired boy played with my long hair with huge eyes. I don't know why I didn't move from this guys arms yet. He still held me close.

The brown skinned boy pulled me from Afro's grasp and chuckled. "Sorry about my cousin here. He could be a little over bearing.....I'm Jamarcus but most call me Craig. These are my silly ass cousins," He gestured to Afro. "Prince and that's Roc." He grinned happily. "And you really are adorable. No wonder why my cousin called you over." Craig ran his fingers thru my hair. I shivered under his touch.

"You guys are perverts leave him alone." Roc laughed shaking his head.

"Says the person who decided to play in his hair first hmmm?" Prince folded his arms across his chest. I could tell Craig was the leader, Prince was the motherly kind and Roc was laid back. Even though I felt like I intensely wanted Craig I knew I could never have him.

"N-nice to meet y-you guys. I'm R-Ray." I stammered out looking at the grass shy as all hell. Craig lifted up my chin and stared at me in my eyes. His thumbs caressed my cheek and jawline. I couldn't believe I actually grew hard just from the touch of his hands. They were so soft and kind of wet. I just wanted them on my body.....As he bent me over and -

".....stay for dinner?" Prince tapped my shoulder. I snapped out my thought and squinted me eyes. ('_') Craig had long let me go.

"Huh? W-what?" I quivered stuttering afraid of my own damn thoughts.

"Nah I'm fine. I th-think I-Im gonna g-go head t-t-to the store." I gestured down the street and went on my merrily way. I sighed out of relief to be away from their scrutiny. It was really intense and extreme how Craig stared at me. It was like he was analyzing every part of my soul. I shuddered at the thoughts and just decided to go to the store. Only with much agitation because I couldn't stop thinking about Jamarcus. He was so damn fine. I wanted him so bad but it depressed me because I couldn't have him. I'm too dark for him he probably wants a light skinned pretty boy. My brother is more his speed.

-Luxurious Cocoa |au| prayWhere stories live. Discover now