"Kelsey" she said, I could feel her heart shatter infront of me. I didn't say anything, what could I say to make this any better ? "Kelsey" she shouted while throwing her hands in the air. "Of course you're  interested in Kelsey" she said bitterly before storming out of the store, leaving standing innocently and helplessly infront of me. I tried to call her back but it was a useless, she used Cody as a ploy to see me and once she had her answer she didn't need him. "I guess you're stuck with me until Kelsey comes" I said as his whole face lit up. "I get to stay here all day ?" He asked as I shrugged. "Unless you have a kindergarten I can drop you off at" I joked but he didn't take it as one. "Dad stopped taking me a couple of months ago" he said through a smile before walking into the children's section. Of course, what else could I have expected from Max.

He was quiet and content so I took this opportunity to check your phone activity. You were an hour late to work but seemed to be there and planned on going to the gym with Len afterwords. Eddi checked in and you told her you'd taken so many painkillers you felt like you were floating but felt way better because you weren't nauseous. No mention of the guy you kissed last night but you also couldn't tell anyone because you were technically still dating Max. Your brothers checked in on you, Reece asked if you ate, how much water you drank and if you went to work, he was genuinely interested and/or concerned while Justin sent you memes about runaway boyfriends and hangovers, I could see the different relationship you had with them instantly.

You were alright, you weren't complaining about anything so I checked Max's phone. Nona was sending text after text telling him to come home, that as much as she hated him, she couldn't see you go through a mental breakdown. Interesting, she thought one was pending, she couldn't be more wrong, I'd fix this. Len though, he was really blowing it up, saying he covered for Max but wanted to know if he was okay. I ignored it, I couldn't fall into yet another trap of Max only texting when he's lying. That was when my phone blew up yet again with texts from Honey to you. She's your friend Kelsey, o understand that but she's starting to irritate me. She told you what happened and you brushed it off with a "It probably came as a shock. You two don't really know each-other :/". It did, I'm glad you understand me Kelsey. She tried to say I was interested in you but once again, you brushed it off. Of course you did, you don't have time for this nonsense, not with your lifestyle.

That was my only problem until I was standing inside your favourite ice-cream store, the one right by Insanity, Scoops. I was simply buying Cody a small tub of bubblegum and strawberry ice-cream when I saw your response. You were mid-telling him about Max, you didn't go into as much detail with Justin, it's why he only sent a meme but Reece, Jesus, you told him every single thought. "Y'know, I used to be afraid of the door opening and him coming home now I'm scared of it never opening again and him leaving me forever" is a text you sent which will forever give me chills. He ranted about how he refused to see you become a single mother to a child that isn't even yours but that's where he's wrong. You'll never become a single mother because we will be together and give him the best life. I don't know how many more times I need to express this. You didn't respond until Cody and I were back at the store so I saw it as the perfect opportunity to call you.

You gave me a groggy hello, you were severely sleep deprived and I couldn't blame you, you were left to sleep outside which, of course, would never happen had you been with me. "Cody's here" I began as I heard you gasp on the other side of the phone. "That half-wit left him there all of that time" you asked, you were in shock, this was an obvious and foreseeable reaction. "She did but seriously, he's no trouble, I barely knew he was here" I tried to reassure you as I brought a bag of ice-cream over to your favourite couch right next to the classics.

You inhaled for what felt like years and exhaled for longer. "I'll be ten minutes" you said bluntly and before I could even speak, you hung up. "Kelsey will be here in ten" I said through a mouthful of ice cream to the boy who'd never be yours biologically but the boy who belonged to you in every other way. "I don't want to leave" he protested through a sigh, all I could do was smile back. It's nice to have someone who wants to be around you even if that person is a five year old who genuinely believes his dad is just sleeping off a hangover because that's what he's used to. "Do you honestly think Kelsey will leave right away ?" I asked, it was rhetorical, we both knew you wouldn't.

Her // Joe Goldberg (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now