Chapter 1

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"Byun Baekhyun don't you dare speak to your father like that?" Baekhyun's mother stands pointing the stiring spoon she is using for dinner at her son.

"Mom it's a party come on I need to be there, look I'll be back before midnight" Baekhyun uses his biggest smile for his mom as he walks closer hugging her from behind as she stands at the cooker making a little snack. "Please mom, I won't be late" he whispers into his mothers ear as she let's out a sigh . "Fine go then but I'm warning you Baekhyun don't you dare come in past midnight" she stares at her now excited son as he kisses her cheek and runs out of the kitchen. "Thanks mom" he shouts taking the stairs in their huge mansion two at a time.

His phone buzzes in his pocket as he takes it out looking at the screen seeing a message from his friend Jeno.

So are we going or what?

Of course I am going, I have them wrapped around my little finger

Baek it is our last year we have exams soon they do have a point

Oh shush up Ive heard enough about exams this and exams that and how my life should be I'm going to this party and I'm gonna let my hair down and no talk of exams right

Right ok deal, I'm gonna get ready and tell the others so pick me up at mine when your ready

Deal make sure those others are ready on time you know I like to make an entrance at the right time.

Yes we know now you have three hours so go get ready

Let's get this party started

Throwing his phone on the bed he grabs his towel turning on some music before heading into his bathroom to get ready.


Climbing out of his shower he pats himself dry with the towel and lightly uses it to dry his hair. Moving closer to his full-length bathroom mirror he drops his towel and stands there naked. "Mmm I look good" he smiles at his reflection as he moves closer to check his face for any imperfections. "I am a god" he laughs while heading to his sink to grab some toothpaste and a toothbrush. Placing the toothbrush in his mouth he starts to  brush his teeth and dance around his large bathroom getting into the mood for the party later and to also airdry his body.

Walking into his bedroom to his clothes for the party now laying on his bed from being chosen over a week ago he smiles. "I'm so gonna look good in this tonight" he holds up the jacket and smiles. "Who could resist me in this" he places it back down carefully on the bed and heads back to the bathroom.

Grabbing his band for his hair he slides it on over his head and uses it to push all his hair off his face so no makeup or cream can get on his hair. Pouring out some cream he applies a little to his face making sure not to go over board. Happy with the cream he grabs his favourite makeup brush and starts the foundation. He takes pride in his complection and would never have a spot or blemish nowadays like he had when he first started high-school. Those first two years where the worse in his life for his now beautiful looks but now he sees himself as a god that everyone wants to be with.

Happy with his makeup after taking his time even putting on some eyeliner he begins to style his other most loved and admired part, his hair. Drying it, styling it to the way he wants adding dry wax to it he looks in the mirror making sure both sides match and not a hair is out of place. Once he is happy he starts to get dressed.

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