Chapter 4

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(this is extremely, extremely fictional and I know that anything like this would never happen)

Grace was awoken by a soft knock at her bedroom door, sprawled across her bed.

"I used my key to get in if that's okay." Hannah whispered in effort to not startle grace as she had just woken up.

Grace mumbled in response and asked what time it was.

"It's 3:16pm." Hannah answered. "I don't mean to sound too blunt but are you doing okay recently? Your video yesterday- you seemed, I don't know, pretty emotional, really."

"Um...yeah." Grace muttered, pulling the blanket over her head.

Hannah and grace were so close that Hannah could tell whenever something was wrong and she would not ignore that. She knew that she was determined to find out what was bothering grace.

"Come on, grace. I know there's something wrong. You don't have to tell me if you really don't want to but I need to know that you're okay."

Grace suddenly broke into tears, sniffing and shivering in the moist air under her blanket. Hannah's heart broke when she heard grace cry- which wasn't very often.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Hannah asked gently, slowly peeling the blanket away and pulling grace in for a tight hug.

"'s- um."

"Don't worry, take your time. I have time."

"Well, it's chester."

Hannah saw how grace's face dropped and a pale green tone appeared across her cheeks as the word 'chester' left her mouth. Hannah's eyebrows scrunched together in concern.

"What about chester, grace?"

"No, I-I couldn't. I'm s- I'm sorry, Hannah." Grace struggled to say between sudden, painful breaths. Hannah knew what was coming. Before grace had the chance to lose her breath, she put her arm around grace's shoulder, told her it was okay, made her feel safer, looked her deep in her terrified, glazed eyes.

"Okay. Can I tell you? Like what happened. I- you won't tell anyone? Literally no one? You will want to, I think. You will be desperate to tell someone but you sincerely can tell no one, ever." Grace pleaded, knowing what the consequences would be if he found out that someone knew.

"You can tell me absolutely anything. Even if you killed someone, I would help you, you know that. I'm not saying you killed someone obviously, but whatever it is, I'm here. Always." Hannah reassured, managing to smile with just one corner of her mouth.

"Okay. You know my birthday party the other week?"

Hannah nodded.

"Oh, god. I can't do this."

"Grace, you can. Take literally all the time you need, I'm not rushing you at all."

"Che- I was sat on a chair. I think." Grace said softly, tears forming in her eyes, fidgeting nervously then looking up at Hannah as she grabbed her hand. "Chester came over. He gave me a drink and it tasted weird. Like, I don't know what drink it was. I felt dizzy so I didn't really know what was going on anyway. So, um, then I was, like, falling asleep kind of so he offered to take me to my room so I could sleep. I- I'm sorry." Grace was visibly falling apart which killed Hannah inside. Hannah didn't want to hear what was going to be said next but grace was finally opening up so she figured that it might help get it off her chest. Plus, she was just expecting the worst, right? But she needed to know.

"So, I was on my bed. And chester gave me this stare; people were all leaving at this point and you had gone to take Sarah home." That made Hannah's heart sink, making her feel like whatever had happened was her fault, like she could've done something to help. But she wasn't there.

"Then he came closer to me. And he- just looked so angry. And then he- like, I- I'm sorry Hannah. Okay." Grace took another deep breath. "He forced off my clothes. And he hurt me a lot. And he- ches- he raped me."

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