Chapter 3

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'Grace, we need to talk'

'You can't keep this a secret forever'

'Please I won't hurt you'

'47 missed calls from [number]

is what Grace's lock screen looked like pretty much all the time. It was like chester was obsessed with grace and she had no idea how to get rid of him. She was petrified of him.She had barely left the house or spoken to anyone after it had happened. She and Chester had been off of youtube, instagram and twitter, rumours were, again starting about how they'd 'gone away somewhere together' or had 'got married' or 'are having a baby' and everything was piling up and up until grace couldn't take it any longer.

She was so desperate to do something she hadn't done for a very long time. Something she knew she would regret but would feel better for just that moment. She got up slowly, ignoring the feeling of chester's hands around her throat that she couldn't stop imagining, and tiptoed over to the bathroom. Grace remembered what she kept in there 'in case of emergency'. She slowly opened the drawer when her phone buzzed over and over, distracting her so much that she couldn't possibly ignore it.

She opened her twitter to see #WeAppreciateGrace, #itsGraceTo2Million #Welovegrace trending first, second and third world wide. She couldn't do anything but burst into silent tears as she thought about her supporters and how she could never do anything bad to them. She wanted to make them happy like they made her happy.

"Hey guys, its Sunday and I know I don't usually make videos here on Sunday but I thought that I should just do a stream of consciousness type of video today. But also, you guys trended things worldwide on twitter, like, of me and I just- I don't even know- I- gah, you kids. I sincerely don't know how- I- I'll just stop rambling. This whole video is pretty much rambling. Just, thankyou. I know I never say this and it's going to seem very weird but I- I love you guys, I sincerely do and I should probably say that more because you deserve it as human beings and I have never felt such a true appreciation towards a group of people I have never met before and you guys are the people that watch my face and read my stupid book and deal with my weird ramblings on twitter and huge props to you for doing that. You are all very great and cool and wonderful. I know that I've been pretty MIA for a while and there's been a lot of things said about that but I'm here and I'll just say that I was feeling a little - just kind of not good today I guess? See guys, I'm not a emotionless robot after all. But after, I guess, realising how wonderful you all are it just made me think, it made me think about why I'm here and that makes me so happy I- you all make me so happy. I am not about to cry. I am not crying. I should probably go before this gets far too sincere. I don't know."

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