Chapter 3 -Busted custed.

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Chapter three

The wind was blowing in my hair as we drove down a long dark road on our way to Claire's house. Claire was the school's party girl she always threw the biggest parties every Weekend, Everyone who was anyone was there, her mom and dad were rarely ever home, always off on some new safari or something. What more could a girl ask for, she had all the money she could ever want, a large house all to herself and party's every weekend.

Putting my hand out the window I let it surf the wind as I closed my eyes. I've always loved doing this.

Adam reached over and placed his hand on my thigh rubbing little circles with his thumb. Looking over at him I took in his boyish blonde short hair, his light pink thin lips, his hazel eyes and his strong nose, he was cute. We have been dating for just over two years, he knew me better than anyone else and i knew him better than anyone else.

We met at school, he was a transfer from a high school in Michigan, we shared several classes together and we were lab partners for a few months before he finally dared up enough guts to ask me out, for our first date we got take away from Taco Bell and ate it in the back of his truck that was parked at the lookout, the view was amazing we could see everything, the town lights lit it up like stars, it was like the night sky mirrored on to the town.

After talking for hours he turned the music up in the truck and asked me to dance, that's when we shared our first kiss - my first kiss - after that we were inseparable, we spent almost all of our time together, we went to parties together and he even came shopping with my mom and me. His dad taught me how to fish and I taught his dad some teen slang, everyone commented on our relationship calling us cute and it got to the point where people were telling us to stop being cute because we were making them sick. This only made us do it more.

You know that one couple that everyone hates watching, the ones that go on and on about who loves who more? Yea well that's us. I loved him with all I had.

I reached over and turned the radio on, turning it up loud over-taking the sound of Adam chuckling at the song that came on. I started bobbing my head getting into the groove and when the chorus came on I belted out the lyrics to 'Call me maybe' by Carley Rae Jepson, using my hands to signal that I was crazy he laughed and shook his head, after nudging him a few times he let loose and belted it out with me making me laugh painfully, when it ended we both couldn't stop laughing as the next song played.

Pulling up to the curb you could tell the party was in full throttle, music blared from every open window or door that was open, people were walking up the walkway to the door from the street laughing and talking loudly and from a distance you could see the backyard lit up like a Christmas tree accompanied by the loud muffled voices of many.

Walking into Claire's house hand in hand we were greeted by several of our friends before i draged Adam onto the dance floor where we begun grinding up against each other to the music, Adams hands played on my hips pulling me in close to him, we danced like this for a few songs before we were interrupted by our friends Jonah and Tim who tried to dance with us before laughing and motioning us to the kitchen for refills.

"Babe you want a coke?" Adam asked reaching for the refrigerator door.

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